"You make me happy"

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"Hey." I call out as I shut the door.
"In the kitchen!" I hear Timmy shout.
I head to the kitchen where I see the cutest curly haired boy making pancakes. He turns to me and his emerald eyes light up. The radio hummed in the background as I go and peck him on the lips.
"Morning." His soft voice tingles my skin.
"Morning." I smell a whiff of the pancakes and become even more hungrier than I was before.

Timmy and I weren't living together meaning I'd usually come round to his or vice versa, but it was becoming more and more hard to leave every time.
"Baby." I ruffle my boyfriend's hair and rest my chin on his shoulder.
"Yeah babe." He hums looking down at me a couple strands of hair moving in front of his face.
"Um, I was wondering." I begin twirling the loose strands subconsciously. He keeps his eyes fixed on me.
"I think we should move in together."
His concerned frown quickly turns into a smile. I look up from the floor expecting to see a shocked face but instead met a pretty delighted one.
"Y/N I don't think you've realised how long I've wanted you to say that." Timothée grins eyes sparkling.
"Really?" I didn't know how much he wanted this, I thought it was just me.
"Y/N I want you." He strokes my hair focusing on my lips.
"I want you to live with me."
Now I was the one beaming like crazy as I crash my lips into his. He chuckles into it holding me tightly. My hands quickly move and tug his hair earning a moan from Timmy. His hands go to my shirt but before it went any further...

the alarm went off.

"Shit." Timmy curses while I burst into laughter. We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't realise the smoke that was surrounding us.
"Guess we won't be having breakfast then." I joke.
Timothée glares at me "you're lucky that I love you so much to set the alarm off."
"I'm honoured Timothée Chalamet." I wave my hands trying to get the smoke away.
"I LOVE YOU." I shout over the racket.
"I LOVE YOU TOO." I hear him shout back.
Soon enough the alarm is off and Timmy runs back completely flustered. I giggle at his state and walk up to him.
"You make me happy." I say connecting my hands with his.
He replies by embracing me in a warm, loving hug as he breathes in my scent.
And from that day, Timothée became my home.

hope you liked! xoxo ♥️

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