Chapter 13

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A/N: Heeeeey there. Liked the last chapter? I did. I'm so proud of it. It was so looong. Wow. I've got so much muse it's flowing out of my ears and I have ideas for this and just. I'm excited. Things will be time skippy, so I'm sorry (not sorry) if that bothers anyone. 

~Jason's POV~

I just want things to stop happening to Devon. That's it. That's all I want.

...and I might want to kill Alexander, but that's another story.

Having her come home in the manner that she did frightened me. Having her basically strip in front of me with out the shame that only a broken person could posses made me concerned for her life. Finding out that she'd been attacked? Well... that made my decision final. She wasn't going to do a lot of things alone. I'd never make her feel as though she was alone again.

Humming gently was how I got her to sleep when she was upset. In many ways, she was a grown up and a beautiful young woman. In other ways, she was a broken child that needed a parental figure. I could feel the weight of her body going limp, but when a rather loud banging on the door occurred, she shot up like a rocket, blankets clutched tightly around her. It was a sad sight, one that should've never occurred.

"Just lay down, I'll go see who it is." Running my hand through my hair, I sighed as I heard the knocking again. It was almost midnight. What could someone possibly want with me? Making my way down the stairs, I looked through the peep hole. It was a delivery man. 

Opening the door, I raised my eyebrow. "I know it's late, sir, but I felt the need to bring this to you. It should have arrived earlier, and I apologize. I somehow missed it in my run." The older man had graying hair and seemed almost distraught. The box was small, and it was something that I had ordered for Devon. 

"Thank you for taking time out to bring it." I pulled a twenty out of my pocket and handed it to him. The gentleman seemed surprised, but I just shrugged it off. "Have a good night, sir." He nodded and walked off. 

Closing the door and locking it, I turned all the lights off down stairs before making my way up to the bedroom. When I returned, I saw that Devon was sitting against the headboard, the blanket around her body. "Who was it?"

A small smile found it's way to my lips as I shook my head. Getting back into bed, I pulled her against my chest, careful of her wounds. "No one. Go back to sleep. You're safe here." My words were whispered. Maybe it wouldn't take her long to fall asleep. I prayed it didn't. She nodded once and buried her face in my chest. 

When I woke, I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep. What woke me up was a wetness that had spread across my chest. For a moment, I thought it was her tears. It turned out to be drool. Chuckling, I pulled away and tossed my shirt somewhere before curling up with her and falling right back to sleep.

Things were so odd. Devon didn't seem to want to leave my side, so I indulged her. Every little sound made her jumpy and she'd seek comfort in my arms. Alex had called her a few times, each time, she'd ignore it.  

Saturday went by without an incident. Devon spent the majority of the time asleep or reading in the living room by the fireplace. It was the middle of February, right before Valentine's Day, so things were still cold enough for a fire. 

Sunday was a little different. I woke up on my back to Devon sleeping soundly on my bare chest. It was an odd feeling, but one that was welcomed. Wrapping my arms around her, I fell back to sleep. With the distance between us as of late, my dreams had become centered around Devon. How long would it be until I found her almost dead on my door step? How long until I came home and find her dead on the stairs? These visions plagued my dreams and for once in my life, I found it near impossible to sleep.

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