Chapter 14

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~Devon's POV~

It was a long morning. I had basically had a panic attack half way through my shower. It was so bad that Jason had to come and help me finish showering so there wouldn't still be shampoo in my hair and that I would be clean. Applying my makeup was Hell since I had to put extra attention to covering the black eye and cuts on my cheek bones and upper chest area. I dressed in something that covered me as much as possible and kept my head down.

The entire car ride to school was silent and tense. I was anxious about going through the day and having to face Zander. There had been no way of knowing who it was that had violated me, but I had some sort of feeling that he had something to do with it.

"I'll see you in class. I'm also going to separate you and that boy. I want you sitting in front of me and away from him." Jason's voice was firm and gentle as he spoke. My eyes found his and I touched the necklace. A small smile formed on his lips. "There isn't much you can do to hide today, darling. You can do it. You know where my room is." He rubbed my cheek with his thumb and kissed me on the forehead. "Go on, get to your first class."

We had fallen into the routine of him dropping me off in the car rider line and hiding his face and then going around back to his parking spot. It was working pretty well as no one suspected anything. At least... I don't think anyone suspected anything.

I managed to go half way through my day without seeing Alexander. This single fact managed to put me more at ease, as twisted as that sounded.

Making my way to my locker and opening it, I was surprised to see a note card poking out of a textbook. Pulling it out and reading the messy script, I nearly broke down in the middle of the hallway. Holding the inevitable panic attack in, I managed to grab what books I needed for my next class and shut my locker. 

What was I going to do? I had three periods before lunch, none of which were Jason's off period. I had to make it to lunch without completely breaking down - something I knew I was not capable of. My back pressed against the cold metal of my blue locker and I closed my eyes. If I was going to make it through the day, I needed to learn to control some aspect of my emotions.

A scream erupted from my throat as I felt a hand grab my elbow. My eyes shot open and I immediately found myself in a defensive state. When my eyes finally locked on the body attached to the hand wrapped around my elbow, I relaxed only slightly. Alexander stood beside me with an expression of worry on his face. "Are you okay? You're rather jumpy." His voice was low enough that he leaned forward to make sure he was heard.

For a few moments, I was unable to answer him. I heard him ask if I was okay again, and all I could do was nod. Tugging my arm in his grip, I frowned at the fact that he would not let me go. "Come on, I'll walk you to class." His voice was soft as though he were trying to comfort me, but the grip he had on me was almost bruising. I tugged again, but he simply began to lead me in the direction of my next class. I didn't try to start a conversation. All I could think about was how wrong it felt to be in his presence. 

Upon arriving to my class, Alexander pulled me into a strong hug and pressed a kiss to my lips. I did not register the action, and, without a response, I moved silently into my classroom before he could say anything. 

This is how the rest of the day went. Alexander would try to be sweet, and I would just ignore his attempts. I felt as if I were floating on a cloud three thousand miles above my own body. It felt like I was in a fog that I was unable to find my way out of. It was frustrating to say the least. But, being in Jason's classroom made me feel exponentially better. 

I was able to get out of class and go to Jason's classroom early. "I found this in my locker," my voice cracked as I spoke for the first time since arriving to school that morning. I passed the note card to Jason and watched him read it. I could see his face progressively pale as he read it. "Who knows?" I whispered as I sunk into the desk.

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