Chapter 7

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A/N: Hello there, people of Wattpad. I'm sorry, terribly so. I got caught up with school work and trying not to kneel over and die due to lack of sleep. But, now it's summer vacation and I'm home free for the next two and a half months. Here is the long awaited Chapter 7..

Also, This is my first time writing something that can be considered a trigger warning, so.. TW: Abusive content of a daughter from her father. 

I wasn't really sure how this chapter was going to go, and it seemed to take a darker side. So I'm rather sorry in advance if this bothers anyone. 

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 Standing in front of my door with Jason next to me was a very real feeling, and to be quite frank, it scared the ever living crud out of me. It wasn’t until I felt a warm hand on my back did I notice that I was short of hyperventilating and Jason was attempting to calm me down before we went inside.

“It’ll be alright, Devon. I told you I’m not letting him within five feet of you. You’ll be alright. Just go straight up to your room, pack whatever you want or need and then come back down to the car. I’ll be right behind you the entire time.” He put an arm around my shoulder and gave a quick squeeze of reassurance.

“You’re right. Let’s do this.” A deep breath filled my lungs as I reached my hand out in front of me to touch the doorknob. After another deep and shaky breath and the door was pushed wide open. My first few steps were tentative and paired with a hawk like surveillance of the living room and kitchen. When I noticed the coast was clear, I made a dash to the stairs.

Waves of relief filled my body as I made it to the top of the stairs, and security hit me like an aftershock as I heard the gentle, but sound thuds of Jason’s boots on the stairs behind me.

We made it to my room and my first emotion was embarrassment to having him in my room, which I had left unclean due to the fact I had left it with the thought that I would be dead at the bottom of a cliff by that evening. In retrospect, I should have asked him to wait in the hallway, because there were a couple of my bras littering the bed.

A deep chuckle resonated from behind me, and I instantly turned cherry red. “Shut it.” I muttered as I went to my closet to begin pulling jeans and shirts from it and shoving into one of my suit cases.

“Hey, these are kinda cute.” Jason muttered as he held up one of my stuffed animals. “Didn’t realize you were a collector.” He began looking over the shelf of knickknacks.

“My mother got me into collecting mismatched things.” I shrugged and went into the bathroom to retrieve my bag of toiletries. After I stuffed it in the almost full suitcase, I put it on the bed. “Alright… What else do I need?” I muttered to myself. I was always the worst packer. I had clothes and toiletries. /Oh yeah!/ The realization was almost like a light bulb in my mind. I needed my delicates. A groan passed through my lips and I was positive my ears were turning pink.

I shyly went grabbed the bras off my bed and went to my drawers to grab my socks and underwear and shoved them in the bag. Looking up, I met Jason’s eyes, and I’ll be damned if he didn’t look like a teenage boy in that moment. “I hate you occasionally.” I muttered and zipped up my suitcase. All that was left was to find my overnight bag that I used for things like my laptop and books.

“Hey Jason… Do you mind taking the suit case to the car so I can get the rest of my stuff? I’ll be alright.” /I hope./ I didn’t add the last part as to not worry him. He gave me a concerned look, but nodded without a word and disappeared down the stairs.

Since I hadn’t heard a noise out of my drunk of a dad, I didn’t bother to close my door and ended up letting my guard down. That proved to be a big mistake. With my back to the door, I didn’t see my father silently making his way into my room.

What I did notice, was the shadow that joined with mine before I felt a hit to the back of the head. Falling to the floor, I landed on my hands and knees out of instinct. It was almost second nature the way I caught myself, which was sad because it told just how long I had been dealing with this.

A piece of leather, which I assumed to be a belt, made a mark against my back and I couldn’t help but cry out in pain. The outbursts only lead to more force being used with the belt, and I was grateful for the fact I was wearing a few layers or it would have drawn blood.

“You ungrateful little whore. How dare you leave without my permission? You have been slacking off around here, and now you’re going to be punished.” His voice was calm, but I was terrified out of my mind. I knew that he wasn’t beyond stripping me of the clothes. Many of my favorite shirts had been cut off my body so he could hit the bare skin, and when I heard the flick of his box cutter, I knew that that was precisely what was going to happen.

Within seconds, Jason’s oversized sweater was falling forward off of my body and I instantly felt the raw stinging of the leather belt against my back. “Who was that man with you? Huh? Have you gotten so worthless as to sink to being a slut?” Another blow, harder this time, drew blood. “I bet you offered yourself for free. You’ve always been such a wimp.”  The hardest blow so far landed on my back and my hands were clenched in the ruined sweater on the ground. I knew better than to lose the form I was in or to make any noise or I’d lose more clothing and a worse instrument would come into this horrible symphony.

This seemed to be going on for hours, but in reality it was only a minute or so. Footsteps sounded on the landing next to my now closed door, and then the door knob jiggled. “Devon? Devon is everything alright in there?” This time the jiggling was rougher. “Open up, Devon.”

“Who is that, Devon? Your little boyfriend? Huh? Have you been letting him use you?” Three more blows, each one drawing blood.

“Devon!” The door was being pounded against now, and I knew he was very close to knocking the door down. My father must have sensed that, because he stopped for a moment before kicking my in the hip. I fell down onto my left side and kept my eyes on the floor. I knew better than to look him in the eye, for it would only result in more violence, but the presence of Jason only made him more violent. It didn’t help that he was obviously sober, which was worse than when he had been drinking.

Pushing my onto my back with his foot, my father looked down at my half naked and bloodied form. The wood of my flood was digging into the open wounds on my back and tears flooded my eyes. “You’re worthless, and will never amount to anything.” He hissed before leaning down and pulling me up by my hair.  Shoving me against the wall, he had hit me twice in the face before Jason managed to finally break the door down.

My father turned every ounce of his attention to Jason, and I slid down the wall to the floor where I curled up in a ball. With every stretch my back burned because of the marks and my face was throbbing in the places where I had been struck. Ugly bruises were sure to form within the next day or so. It would require a ton of make-up to cover it.

I don't know if I had been in my own little world, or if Jason was just that fast, but when I looked up, my father was out cold on the ground and Jason was by my side, touching my shoulder gingerly.

I finally allowed the tears out of their damns and my body was racked with sobs. Jason reached out to pull me into him until he saw the bleeding wounds against my pale skin. "Oh.. god.. I'm so sorry.." He whispered and pushed the hair back from my eyes.

"Stay right here, Devon." His voice was soft and had I been in a better mood, I would have scoffed. Like I was in any state to move.

I lowered my head against the cold floor and closed my eyes, the next thing I knew, everything was dark. 

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