Mr. Jealous at College

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September 2021

A/N Kendyl is 19 now she's almost 20. It's fall time.

PSA: Fall time in New York City is always cold sometimes below freezing, imagine upstate is even colder :(. Just imagine its a cool fall where heels and stilettos are a thing lol.

One year and seven months later

A/N (Fall outfit)

"Today's Orientation will be held in Theater 3

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"Today's Orientation will be held in Theater 3. If have already done orientation please head to class."

I walked past the group making my way to my first class. Critical Thinking, a writing insensitive course.

A writing intensive course was strictly writing, projects and presentations. Your final grade was based on how well you did on the written portion, being that my studies, major they call it, was English/ writing I had to take more than 12 credits this semester to graduate "on time". This means  I have to be full time (15 credits or more) each semester to graduate in four years.

I took a seat in the small twenty student classroom versus the average lecture hall I normally have for my other classes of over fifty students.

"Good morning Ms.Johnson. You're early this morning"

"Yes Mr. Ken, first day. Nervous and excited at the same time" Mr.Ken Dobi was my Academic Advisor and the chairman of the English department as well as my teacher. He has guided me all through the registration process for classes, it took two months but I'm finally here.

"How was your summer?"

"Eh. Same ole same ole. Worked mostly, I did a bit of writing and taught at my dance school. I was promoted head teacher" I nonchalantly shrugged, I was screaming inside.

"wow that's amazing. Congratulations. You must be proud" Professor said organizing his desk.

"It's no big deal"

"You are so modest" he laughed

"Who am I kidding I'm dying inside. I was majorly excited" my laughter died down as students made their way to their seats.

"We'll talk after class" he winked.

I had to admit Professor was extremely handsome. He was a teaching assistant for two years before he made it to being a full-time Prof. He was twenty -six and single, he had brown skin and short curled hair. He was sexy as hell if I had it admit but I would never do it. We had coffee from time to time, he was always a gentlemen. Ken never forced me to into doing anything I didn't want, we did go on a few dates but that was it, we decided we were better off as friends.

He was someone I did enjoy talking to on the regular, that was a fact.

After class, Ken and I went to his car. His nephew Xavier was turning three today and he invited me to come along. How could I say no, I loved kids. And Xavier was adorable.

"Before we get there I need to buy a gift." He opened my car door.
"Because I don't want to go empty handed! You should of told me this before Ken" I exclaimed placing my hands on my hips for emphasis.

He chuckled patting my head childishly.

"Alright. Relax hot head" he teased

"I'm not a hot head" I fumed proving his point.

"I'm not a hot head" I repeated more calmly.

He laughed resting his hand on the open door.

"Mhmm get in"


"Kendyl?" A deep voice called from behind us.

We both turned around.


"Trent!? What are you doing here?"

"It is you! I couldn't tell because of your hair" he approached us grinning widely.

"Who that?"

"Someone I knew from high school"

He nodded with a silent 'O'.

"It's great to see you again" he pulled me into a tight hug taking me by surprise, his body was hard, warm and familiar.

"Yeah. It is" I pat his back awkwardly resting my chin on the shoulder of his cotton white tee. He has gotten so tall.

We thankfully pulled apart introducing himself to Kenneth, I gripped his arm lovingly.

Ken arched his brow immediately playing along.
"Sup man I'm Ken"

"My boyfriend!" I added quickly before  I could stop myself.

Boyfriend? Kay really.

"Ah nice to meet you man!" He genuinely smiled greeting Ken with a firm handshake.

"Where you guys off to?"
He asked us.

"To my a party. Kendyl and I just came from class. You go here?"

No. No. No

"Nah man I go to State University of New York"

"That's like seven miles from us. Why are you all the way over here?" It was my turn ask

"I was visiting a friend. My car is parked just over there" he pointed to a White brand new BMW.

"Damn man she's gorgeous"
"Yeah she's gorgeous. Do you want to  check her out!?"

"Fuck yeah I'd lo-"
"-we have to get going" I pulled him back toward the car.

Trent's expression softened once he looked at me.

"Yeah she's right. It was nice meeting  you man"

"Nice to meet you too. Kendyl, next time" he nodded walking toward his car.

I hoped in putting my seat belt on as he closed the door.

"Boyfriend? Since when was I your boyfriend"

"Shut up and just drive!" 
He laughed locking his belt into place starting up the engine.

"I like him. He seems cool, you sure he was just a friend?"

"Yes. Just some guy I knew from high school"

"Seems like more to me"

We are 54 chapters in can you believe it! I'm excited we made it this far, things are going to get spicy so hang on to your panties ladies!! Don't forget to
and share ❤️

We are 54 chapters in can you believe it! I'm excited we made it this far, things are going to get spicy so hang on to your panties ladies!! Don't forget to vote comment and share ❤️

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