Spring Breakers (1)

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Day One

I lost my virginity. To stupid drunken one night stand. Man I effed up real bad.

Trent's athletically toned body stirred quietly on his sleep.

Crap. I feel sick. I need to pee.

I hurriedly ran to the bathroom closing the door behind me.

Ahhh relief.

I glanced at the waste bin to see a used condom and the wrapper discarded.

"Oh god. I think I'm going to be sick!" I cleaned myself and washed my hands. Deciding to wash my face and brush my teeth as well, being that I'm already up.

"You're up early. What's the occasion?" I chocked on my toothpaste at the sound of his husky morning voice. He leaned against the door frame, arms crossed at his chest.

Christ all mighty. Is this what Trent sounds like in the morning?

I rinsed my mouth.

"Good morning. No special occasion. I just had to pee." I clarify drying my hands on the hand towel.

"Hmm." He stepped towards me trapping me against the sink and him.

"Last night was fun" he smirked leaning in to kiss my neck. I shivered uncontrollably.

For someone who just woke up, he did not have morning breath. Unlike me, my breathe scares me.

"Was it? I don't remember what happened. I may have drank one or two glasses over my limit" I said pushing pass him to get dressed. I need to leave, this was such a bad idea.

"Wait are you going? Don't you want breakfast first? Kay what's-"


The anxiety was killing me. I need to know if we did, at least if I was to really lose it it would be to someone I deeply care about. And that person was Trent. I loved him but I would never tell him that.

"Kay" he began then sighed
Oh gosh we did it.

I sat in the bed burying my face in my hands, shame. I was shamed and felt dirty. I didn't want to lose it like this.

"Kendyl I'm sorry" his footsteps slowly approached me, his arms took me by surprise in a hug.

My body stiffened at his touch. This was so awkward for me, I don't know how to feel.


My cellphone began  to ring breaking the unbearable silence.

"Hello" I hesitantly answered the unknown caller.
"Kay it's me Leo"

My heart stopped. Leo! Why is he calling me, why?

"Leo? What do you want? Why are you calling me?" Trents eyes narrowed in on me, watching my every move.

"We need to talk. I saw you on the television the other day and I -"

"Wait so you called me because you saw me on the tv?" I huffed in disgust.

What an arsehole

Trents composer to still. I could only hear him breathing.

"No that's not what I meant-
"Then what did you mean Leo?" I hissed extremely annoyed
"-what I meant was I didn't know you were back in town so when I saw you on tv I decided to call you."

He paused for a moment

Trent and I made eye contact for a second

"...and I wanted to ask you if we can meet. I need to speak with you"

"Speak with me? About what?"

"Just meet me okay. Seven at the place where we had our first date"

"Wait I-"

Dial tone

He quickly hung up leaving me in distraught.

"You're going aren't you?" Trent asked taking me out my thoughts

I sighed turning to him.

"Look I have to. I need to know what he has to say  and if I don't it will bother me"

I groaned rubbing my face furiously. Why am I like this?

"You don't have to Kay, you want to. You still love him?"

"Whoa Trent! Where is all of this coming from? Wait are you jealous?" I smirked crossing my arms over my chest teasingly.

"Kendyl he hurt you. A lot. Jealous isn't the word I want to us."

"You're right I'm sorry" I rubbed him his naked arms soothingly. He relaxed at my touch pulling me into his warm very naked and wet chest.

Is this considered sinning?


"You're still going aren't you"

I nodded into his chest

He sighed rubbing my hair, pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.

"And there isn't anything I can say to change your mind"

I smiled kissing his cheek

"I'll see you later" 

Dun dun dun !! Hey guys how are you finally an update from me 🤣 I'll post the next part soon. Hope you guys are safe during the Coronavirus pandemic, keep social distancing and wear masks and gloves if you have to go outside ❤️ love you 😘


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