Being Professinal

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A week. It has been a week since the kiss, he nor have mentioned it once. I, on the other hand, am still in shock. It was the best kiss I ever had and it was given to me by Trent. Of all people, we're not romantically involved in anyway and he had me in my feelings.

I wouldn't have the courage to bring up such an event causally. Nope, no sir.

Oh, I still have not worked up the balls to tell Melanie yet. She's going to kill me.

"Ahh!" I jumped letting out an ear piercing scream.

"Christ Kendyl. My ear drum" I apologized guilty receiving glares from students, not soon after I perked up.

"You know I'm startled easily. How's college prep?" I asked him exchanging books from my locker.

"It's good actually! Renae and I are actually taking classes together" my brows quirked

"Really? That's great! She can help you with classes" I stated closing my locker, he fell into step with me.

"Yeah...Hey Kay?"
"Hmm?" I stopped to face him
"I'm thinking of asking Renae to marry me. But I'm not sure yet."

"Porter this is a big!" He sighed, his green eyes staring through me.

"I love her and I'm really thinking about spending my life with her." I nodded still in shock. Oh god! Melanie

"Have you told Mel? You know she likes you right?" He sighed hooking his thumbs between his bag straps, staring off into the distance.

He paused for a long while, students ran back and forth in between and around us. He finally spoke.

"I need you to be there when I break the news to her. Just pretend you don't know okay?" He pleaded grasping my shoulders

"You want me to lie? She's my best friend, you know I can't lie!" I shrugged him off readjusting my purse strap.

"No! Geez Kay she's my best friend too. I just want you to not mention the engagement as yet. I have to finalize things first."

I nodded walking again.

"We still have grad and prom" he added matter of factly.

"Oh right! I forgot prom. I am not sure if I'll even go. I don't have a date" I frowned pushing through the staircase doors.

"What about Trent? I heard things with you two are going well" I glanced at him over my shoulder

"What do you about him?" He snickered shrugging

"News travels fast in these halls my dear sister" I shook my head after the one flight up the stairs. We were on the third floor.

"Speaking of prom again. Don't you have that school council meeting to discuss such events?" He asked

I froze. Crap I'm dead!

I briskly starting running down the hall

"I've gotta go Porter but we'll talk when I get home okay!" I yelled over my shoulder not waiting for his answer.

I ran down the hall making two lefts and a right, until I reached 320B.

I was a panting mess by the time I got there, both the vice principal and principal were present. Celine took her post at the front behind a podium grinning mischievously at me.

I ignored her, mumbling many quick apologies.

"Tardiness is not a good look Miss. Johnson" Principal Dean said looking at me over his small sliver glasses.

His balding head shined from the sun that was beaming through the glass window, it was red almost sun burned. He pushed his glasses up on his long nose, adjusting it to his wide face.

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