Little Did I Know

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Mr. Anthony Wilson and Mrs. Ashley Wilson ♥️ I thought this song went perfectly with this chapter :) listen on repeat while you read.

Month: September 2022

I'm preganat. I cant believe Im pregnanat.

I looked at the 4th pregnancy test sitting on the bathroom counter.

Shit, what am I going to do?

"Kay, you alright? you've been in there for a while" Trent asked jiggling the bathroom handle. it was locked.

"Y-Yeah yeah I'm good just a second" I quickly gathered all the positive tests and shoved them in the plastic back from the CVS store.

I frantically dropped them in the toilet tank hoping to discard them later when Trent goes to work.

"Why is the door locked? you never lock the door" he chuckled from the other side

I washed my hands and then dried them on the hand towel.

" Can't a girl get some privacy?" I teased kissing his lips tenderly.

"Not a chance I hell" he grabbed me from behind smacking my ass and making it jiggle.


Trent licked his lips knowingly.

"Damn bae you getting thicccccc. I like it" He added squeezing my forearms and thighs.

Little did he know

"We need to get dressed so stop-" I smacked his chest with the belt of my silk ivory robe

"-playing around and let's get ready" I continued sitting at the vanity table in the Italian villa.

Today Trent's sister Ashley was getting married to her long-term fiance Anthony, they've been together for 7 years. it was such a beautiful relationship, Anthony travels a lot as a travel agent. It was very hard to make the relationship work but with the love and trust they have for each other, there was no doubt it wouldn't.

The wedding will be in Verona Italy on a huge plot of land. All her close friends and Trent family will be there, Porter and Melaine decided to stay until the wedding and then will be leaving first thing in the morning. After the proposal dinner last month, they stayed the entire week.

I began to apply my mascara when I felt the sudden urge to throw up, like bad. I quickly ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

"Kay you okay!" Trent ran in with panic in his voice, holding back my hair.

"Yeah, I think so. I think it was something we ate for breakfast" I lied wiping my mouth with toilet paper.

"Thanks, babe," I said after flushing the toilet.

He was not convinced but nodded anyway, then headed back into the room to finish getting dressed.

Sighing with relief, I brushed my teeth again


We got to the reception 20 minutes before the event started. Trent and I went around the entire location; this was a very small and intimate wedding with 30 people or less, to greet everyone then took our positions.

I was a bridesmaid in a stunning blue dress with a long braided bun hairstyle. Trent was a groomsman in a sexy-ass blue suit that fit his tall-fit fique perfectly. His light blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

the ceremony was over in an hour and it was cake time, I went to meet Ashley to congratulate her. She was standing by the gift table counting them.

"Typical. I knew I would find you here" I joked poking her back.

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