Sister Sister (PART ONE)

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ALESSANDRA IS KENDYL'S MOM  ♥️. PLEASE COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE FLOWER. Mine is a Rose, hence the name 😘 EDIT: I made a few changes were it said April was Kendyl's stepsister when she was actually her cousin.


"Yo some crazy chick is fighting Victoria!" The guy yelled, whom I knew was a sophomore named Ted.

"Who is ?!" His friend asked

"I don't know. But she's fighting over Tyrel or something like that and some senior Melanie is trying to break it up"

Wait what! My Melanie?

At the sound of her name Trent and I both jumped to our feet.

"Where is the fight?" Trent frantically asked

"In the parking lot by the football field" Ted instructed.

Trent and I both ran like mad.

The boys were right, their stood my cousin April fighting with Victoria.

God she looked so stupid.

"APRIL!" I cried starting my way over there.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Where do you think you're going?" He asked abruptly pulling me back by the tail of my shirt.

"To stop them duh!" I emphasized pointing to the brutal fight.

"Relax. Let me handle this"


"Really you?" I asked in fascination

"Yes. Now watch and learn" he boasted rolling up his sleeves.

Determined, Trent marched over to girls picking up Melanie and April by their waists and dragged them away, Tyrel did the same with Victoria.

Once the girls were safely out of the distance he placed them down. Both exchanged horrified stares while eyeing Trent's sickening strength. I too was astonished, I never knew he was that strong.

"I'm impressed" I said slow clapping and rethinking his entire existence at the moment, maybe he was useful after all.

I narrowed my eyes at the girls.

"What the hell guys! Especially you April! You have now right to be here! And the most important question is why start a fight with Victoria, of all people, in the first place? Do you even know who she is! If my life gets ruined at school too I'm kicking you out, you need to stop!"

"Kendyl-" Melanie began

"No! I'm sorry I had enough" I spat in frustration

"What do you have to say for yourself?" I asked

She shrugged looking away.

"April..." I warned glaring at her

She sighed whimpering as her body gave out, falling to the  ground. April brought her knees up to her chest burying her head in her lap.

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