Just This Once

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A/N Trent's penthouse in Albany NY. Don't forget his parents are from money, they are business people. Not rich lol.

Trent now

The next two weeks passed in silence

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The next two weeks passed in silence. Trent and I haven't spoken much since. I was at home in my apartment doing my online class homework when my phone pinged.

It was a message from Mel.

"Hoe answer your phone. 911 means 911!" I quickly dialed my best friend in a panic.

"Hey, babe you alright what's the emergency?"


"Sorry I-" she interrupted me mid-sentence.

"-never mind. Trent's grandmother just died.

I sat up abruptly in my daybed alerted.

"What how? OH MY GAWD"

"She had a stroke. and died in the sleep" Mel stated. My heart sank for him. He loved his grandmother, she was the sweetest elder woman you'll ever meet.

I wonder how he's holding up?

"Have you guys spoken to him? Is he okay?' I asked with concern.

"That's why I'm calling you. He's. not answering me nor Porter!"

" I'll call him and see if he answers"

"Alright. Thanks, babes. Let us know if he's alright"

"Yeah, I will" I hung up the phone immediately and began to dial his number. It rang 4 times before it went to voice mail. I started to get nervous as I began to pace the floor back and forth.

It went straight to voicemail again, this time instead of waiting for a callback. I grabbed my car keys and wallet.

I jumped into a pair of sweat pants and a sweater, put my hair into a messy bun, and ran out the door.

I was lucky to know where Trent lived, Porter took us via my car to his penthouse further up north for a party. The GPS still had the location saved.


Two hours later I pulled in front of his penthouse, parking right behind his luxury car. I ran straight for the doorbell after taking the lift up the floor P. I banged on the door and called his name.


There was no answer.

I called his phone again, this time I could hear the ringing coming from inside.

"This is ridiculous! He needs to ANSWER THE DOOR OR I WILL BREAK IT DOWN!" I screamed in frustration.

In disbelief, a lifeless Trent made his made to the door.

"What are you doing here? I didn't invite you!" he hissed with a frown

He was a mess, his hair was cut short from the last time I saw him. I scanned his lazy boy outfit.

The white T-shirt he wore had many unrecognizable stains on it. And his light grey sweatpants, which looked exactly like mine, were rolled up and cuffed at the calf as if they were too short for him.

"Our concerned friends called me because you didn't answer your phone. We were worried about you" I whispered the last part matching his gaze.

"You care about me? Pshh right" He began to close the door but as quick as he was I was quicker. I ducked under his arm and ran in.

He frowned glaring at me.

"Yes, I DO. YOU'RE GRIEVING! and we just want to be there for you"

"Since when do you care about me? You ditched me to be with your abusive ex!" he barked brushing past me.


"I'll let that pass because you're sad. But look we have to talk about this. You cant pretend nothing's wrong" I frowned walking past the fireplace and over to the off-white setee. 

"Will you stop following me and get out of my FUCKING HOUSE!"

"No, I won't leave. Not until you talk to me" I begged reaching for his arm.

He stopped in his tracks allowing me to pull him towards my body.  I gazed into his sad eyes, they were filled with so much pain and sorrow. 

Routinely, I cupped his face in my small hands. He shivered at the ice-cold touch of my fingers as our eyes met. For the first time in a while, I felt the warmth rush through my body. I leaned into him.

We slowly leaned into a kiss but he stopped.

"Kay-" he breathed an inch from my lips. Those pink supple watermelons I missed so much. Trent removed my hands from his face and looked away sighing as if he was battling with himself. 

"Let's cool it okay?" I nodded

We made our way over to the sette, I sat down first so Trent could rest his head on my lap.

"Just once. Let's pretend everything is perfect" He spoke.

Thank you thank you :) 3-4 more chapters to go. So excited to finish this book for you guys the ending will be great!

Please continue to support me like always <3 




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