A show for the Gamemakers

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I am woken up at 6.30am the next day. Today is the private training session with the Gamemakers! I have no clue what I am going to do.

I get changed and go to breakfast. John and the others are already there. Shane tells me to sit down and tells me how to approach the interview. He tells me to do archery and knife throwing, to give them a variety. John is told to do spears and weights, he is very strong so that will be easy for him. We finish breakfast and go down to the waiting room.

They start with 1 so I am near last. I am trying to think of what to do. I look over at John. "Good luck" I say to him. "Thanks, right back at you kiddo." John replies. He know I don't like being called that. But I just shove him with my elbow. Katniss and Peeta come over to us when there is only us and the two 11's and them to go. John's name is called. I give him a quick thumbs up and he does the same to me. When he is gone there is silence. "Ready for the games, ally?" Peeta says. "Kind of. I just don't want to be here!" "No one does!" Katniss says. We go silent again and then my name is called. I don't look back, I walk straight to the door. "Good luck" I hear behind me.

When I reach the Gamemakers I introduce myself and walk over to the knifes. I throw a couple and the all hit dead centre. Then I go to the arrows, they all hit the bullseye too. I look up and the Gamemakers and they are not even looking. I take the bow and arrows and grab a knife with a wooden handle. Without thinking I throw the knife high into the air. I quickly grab my bow and arrow and when the knife is just in front of me I let the arrow fly. It catches the knife and both it and the knife hit the target dead centre! I hear clapping and I see that I got the Gamemakes attention. I curtsy and walk out.

That night we all sit down infront of the television to see our score. The Capitol anthem plays and the faces of the tributes appear with their scores. Most scores range from 8-10 with a couple being lower. Then Johns face appears, a 10 wow that is amazing. Suddenly my face is on the screen. An 11 crosses under it. The room is filled with cheers from Shane, Jussicah and even John. Lexi is here too and comes over and gives me a hug. We missed 11 scores so Peeta's name is just appearing. 12, wait what? There are never been a 12. Katniss' names flashes with a 12 too. I am so glad they are my allies. I may make it out alive, even if it does mean going to the Capitol where we will probably be tortured!

We say good night to one another am then I head off to bed. Tomorrow with be the interviews. Can't wait to see what Lexi has I stored for me!

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