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CHAPTER 5: Tell me that I'm wrong but I do what I please.

PRESENT - 9, 10, 11



Whitening knuckles held in a tense fist crashed against cheekbones. Blood and spit mixed together had spurt out of Godfrey's mouth as he tumbled backwards onto the old wooden floors.

Liam had been tiring the lad out, but Godfrey was better then him and it showed. On the gagging ache in Liam's stomach, the cut in his lip and probably what was a broken nose that he could barely feel.

Godfrey got Liam like that in seconds, but although the cockshit's talent Liam had one advantage, the numbers.

Soon two of his boys were grabbing Godfrey by the arms and pinning him against the flowery but dust filled wallpaper of Harry Styles's entrance hall. Liam, with just the hint of a smirk, looked in glory at his bloodied, tamed opponent.

"I thought I made myself clear a long time ago, Payne." It was breathy, faint, but the tone of mockery was clear. "You can't win."

"We'll see about that, piece of shit." Liam yelled before striking a blow to Godfrey's stomach.

Godfrey took the hit with a gagging sound, but his attitude remained unaffected. "I wonder what your father would think of you now." It made Liam feel out of control. He gripped his fists harder and uncontrolled shoves, fists repeatedly collided on the same spot as before.

"Just please..."

"Just make him stop."

"Make him stop."

Mutters filled the background and eventually Liam grew tired. "Just throw him out and stop that, please! You're killing him like this." Hysteric cries filled the heavy tension.

Liam's anger had just fired up another spark. He turned around finding a curly headed mess of unconsolable sobs, held back in caresses by more of Liam's boys. "It is not my fucking fault that your fucking drug dealing boyfriend likes to fucking abuse you! This is not my fucking problem anymore!" Liam's voice cracked. "He doesn't fucking care about you! Can't you see? He doesn't give two bloody shits." Liam motioned with his entire hand.

Silence fell upon the room. Liam felt back in control. He breathed heavily, and finally had found a pair of green eyes, eyes filled of pain. Only then did Liam's chest clutch when he realised what he did. He looked away from Harry's broken stare. "Let's go." He grunted in bitterness and left.


Niall spotted Lottie in the building crowd of the bar after Liam's hasty departure. He looked at the girl, alone in the club, looking expectantly around her.

Oh, how she had changed. How Niall remembered young Lottie Tomlinson with her short blonde hair running around school, like she was already it's president. Top of her class, unprecedentedly stubborn, beautiful, intellectually intriguing, daring and dashing.

THEFT: A One Direction AU [✎]Where stories live. Discover now