Chapter 12

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Today, we had to go back to the doctor. And my stomach has grown since two weeks ago, so we are getting an ultra sound today.

The girls have been over a lot and Eleanor has pretty much helped with everything from Queen duties to the things around the house. Harry is being very patient also.

"Hi, Maddie. Please lay down."Doctor Ramaro pointed toward a little bed like thing.

I nodded and walked over to it, laying down. Harry came and sat beside me after talking to the doctors a little.

"Okay, Maddie. I'm gonna lift your shirt up and put gel on your stomach. The screen will show your child."The doctor said. I hated them lifting up my shirt. I didn't like to be touched so this whole pregnancy crap sucks.

I squeezed Harry's hand when he took up my shirt. Soon enough, the screen was on and showing what was in my stomach.

I looked at Harry, surprised at what we saw on the screen.

"Well, Maddie, it looks like you're having twins."Doctor Ramaro said.

I swallowed and stared at the screen. Harry looked happy and worried at the same time.

"Great."I swallowed.

"You may go home."Doctor Ramaro said.

She did all the doctor crap and finally let me go home. I texted the girls and told them to come over with the guys so we could tell them the surprise.

Once we made it home Harry made me sit on the couch. It's been hard to eat these past few days because I just throw it all up.

The girls came over not long after we got home.

"What's the big news?!"Eleanor asked when she came in. All the girls waited for me or Harry to speak.

"We are having twins."I said.

All the guys and girls were happy and told us congrats and hugged us and all that jazz.

"Names?"Perrie asked.

"Harry was thinking for a girl, Annaleese Rue. And for a boy, Kian Lee."I said.

"What's the gender?"Dani asked.

"We don't know yet. We are waiting till they are born. If it's two girls or two boys then we will name the other once it's born."Harry answered.

The girl and guys nodded.

"Now what?"I asked.

"Do you guys want to do something?"Perrie asked.

"Sure."I said and tried to stand up.

"No."Harry said and made me sit back down. It's annoying how protective he is.

Then Harry mind messaged me.

I'm only protective because I'm worried.

Shoot. I forgot you could read my mind. You've heard everything?

Yeah. Maddie, you can read minds too.

I know. I just never do it.

I only do it to you.

Gee, thanks.

You're welcome.

"Harry, let her go to the mall." Louis said.

"You guys can go to the mall."Harry said.

"What about you all go out and bring food. Not fast food but real food. That also has some blood in it.."I grinned.

"No."Harry said.

"Harry! Let the poor girl eat and have blood if she wants."Liam said.

"Did you see what happened last time?"Harry snapped.

"Yeah, when she was a newborn! She will have better control now."Liam said.

I rolled my eyes at Harry.

"Everybody please leave. And bring me back food."I said.

Eleanor laughed a little at my persistence but she helped shoo every one out.

"You too, Harry."I said.

He rolled his eyes at me but left.

Love you. I said to Harry through mind messaging.

I love you, too.

I smiled and tried standing up to go take a shower. I gripped the couch but finally got myself up right. I started to walk slowly towards the bathroom. My stomach was huge because of the twins. Also, the babies were half vampire so it was like I was seven months a long if it were a normal pregnancy.

I undressed and hopped in the shower, glad to have the warm water on my back. After I had thoroughly cleaned myself, I turned off the water and got into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I french braided my hair back and made my way over to a rocking chair. I turned off the tv and tried to take a nap as best as a vampire can take naps. I've been sleeping more lately because of the twins but I still don't sleep a lot. I don't really have to but I've been out of energy a lot since I kept throwing up all my food. I'm hoping I can keep blood down.

My nap sorta worked until:

"Shh! She's sleeping."

"Everybody shut up."

"Don't wake her!"

Too late guys. "I'm awake."I said and opened my eyes to see a whole bunch of food. My eyes went wide and Harry laughed bringing me my food.

I immediately opened it and stuff my face. They all stared at me.

"I'm hungry."I said.

They laughed and ate their own food. I tasted the blood and was immediately happy.

"Mmmmm."I moaned.

Harry looked at me weird but I ignored him. Usually right after I eat, I throw up. Well, it's been about an hour since I've eaten and I haven't thrown up.

"I guess I can keep blood down."I said.

"Great."Harry said.

"I'll go get more."Eleanor said. She left the house and headed to the store.

I got up to throw my trash away, despite Harry's protests.

As I made my towards the kitchen, I tripped over a pillow we threw off the couch. I landed and blacked out.


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