Chapter 13

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As I made my towards the kitchen, I tripped over a pillow we threw off the couch. I landed and blacked out.

Narrator POV

"Maddie!"Harry screamed, rushing over to wear Madiline lay.

"Call the hospital!"Perrie screamed and made her way over too.

Louis grabbed his cell and punched in the number.

"I'm calling Eleanor!"Danielle said.

"Get me a pillow!"Harry yelled. Niall flung a pillow to Harry who put Maddie's head on it.

After Louis got off the phone with the hospital, everything was chaotic. Harry decided he was going to carry Maddie over to the hospital instead of waiting.

Harry picked Maddie up and ran to the hospital with everyone on their trail.

Harry ran into the hospital waiting room screaming for help. Nurses came with a gurney and took Maddie away. Harry tried to follow them but they wouldn't let him.

For the first time in so many years, Harry Styles sank to his knees and cried. Louis walked over to him and helped him up, walking him over to the others in the waiting room. They all sat down and Harry did his best to talk to Maddie through their mind messaging like he had when she was turned.


Maddie please answer me.


Come on Maddie you have to answer.

Harry? Maddie's voice was weak, even through the mind.


Harry, what's going on?

You blacked out. Passed out. Still passed out.

Oh. Are the babies okay?

I don't know. They wouldn't let me go back with you.

Oh. I want you back here with me.

I want to be back there, too.

Lord I hope the babies are okay.

I do too.

Harry, it's getting harder to speak to you. I need to go.

Alright Maddie. I love you. Please stay strong and I'll be beside you as soon as I can.

I love you, too.

"I talked to Maddie. She got weak and had to go but for now, she's still alive." Harry spoke to the group. All the girls were crying. Eleanor had just got there not to long ago and was crying harder than any body else except Harry.

Now all they could do is wait. They waited for hours. All of them just staring at walls or ceilings. Very little conversation. All tired and faces stained with tears. It seemed like forever and a day had passed before the doctor finally came to talk to Harry.

"King Harry?"Doctor Ramaro asked.

"Yes?"Harry stood up from his chair and walked over to the doctor.

"You can see her. She is unconscious but stable. The babies are alright, Maddie hit her head when she fell and that is what caused her to black out. She is having trouble with her lungs right now. She broke a rib during the fall that punctured a lung. She is on oxygen but it isn't doing much because she doesn't really need to breathe. It is only trying to help inflate her lung. There is also a tube in her chest going to her lung. It's draining fluids to help inflation."Doctor Ramaro explained. Harry nodded and waited for her to show him Maddie's room.

Harry walked in and went to Maddie's side. Maddie was pale(paler than usual)and looked sick. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she was in a hospital gown.

Harry seized her hand and held it with no intentions of letting go. There were three heart monitors in the room. One for Maddie and the other two for the babies. Each one was beating steady and Harry was thankful for that.

Harry looked down to his phone and texted Louis to come to room 89A on the second floor of the pregnancy section of the hospital. It didn't take long for everyone to pile into the spacious room. There were four chairs, a small love seat and one rocking chair. Everybody found somewhere to sit and waited for Harry to say something.

Harry explained everything this doctor Ramaro had said. Eleanor's crying had eased up and they all took comfort in the steady beats of the two tiny hearts. Harry still had Maddie's hand in his. They were all silent again. Nobody spoke for more than three hours. But when somebody finally did, it was yelling and chaos all over again.

Harry felt Maddie's hand go limp as her heart monitor let out a long steady noise with a straight line. Maddie was dying. To Harry, everything seemed to happen in slow motion from that point forward.

Louis jumped from his spot and ran into the hallway.

"Help! We need help!"He yelled. Everybody else had jumped up too and was crying again.

They all screamed for help until somebody finally came. The nurses and doctors pushed through them to get to the dying queen.

Harry sat in shock until a nurse moved him out of the room.



Hey! So you guys don't know how much it means to me that this story has gotten so far! I gain about 1k reads everyday which is amazing. Love you guys.

-Ky. ✨🌸

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