Chapter T E N.

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It's been 3 months since we told our parents they took it okay. Im like 3 months and a couple weeks. I mean they where sad about how it happened but proud that we took responsibility and decided to keep the baby.

A week ago my parents and his dad even brought us our own house and paid the utility bills for up to 3 months. Ya know long enough for us to find a job. Its 3Bedrooms, 2 in a half bath, big kitchen, dining room, den, living room and a big back yard. They say it's our early graduation present.

Quees started at Foot Locker today. I'm just home laying round, I got a doctors appointment later. I find out what I have today. I'm so ready, I want a girl.

I did go back to school and finished the 11th grade. It's June so it's summer time we just got out of school like 2 days ago.

I'm kinda hungry. I better get up and go eat something. Quees will have a fit if he knew I haven't ate yet. So I grabbed my phone a called my mama.

**Phone convo**

"Hey baby."

"Mama I'm hungry what you got to eat over there? "

"Nothing but if you want we can go out to eat... Where ever granny's baby making you crave."

"I want red lobster."

"Granny baby expensive and ain't even got here yet."


"I'm just playing baby but I'll be there in 40 mins I got to get ready. "

"We love You. "

"I bet."

**Phone Convo over**


After me and mama left Red Lobster we decided to go to the mall and do a little baby shopping. We got a stroller, crib, unisex onesies, bottles, diapers, and a car seat. Now we on the way back home. Quees just texted me and told me he home. My appointment in a hour and I'm so ready.

We pulled in my drive way and mama killed her engine.

"I'm gonna go get Quees so he can come get this stuff." I said getting out the car.

I unlocked the door and went you stairs to our room.

"Baby can you please get this stuff out mama car for me, we did some baby shopping. " I asked Quees.

"Sure baby let me slip on some clothes." he must just got out shower it smell like chocolate scented axe in here.

"Okay I'm get the light bags." I said going out the room before get could protest with me bout getting the bags.

Quees P.O.V

We on the way to J appointment. We find out what she having today. I hope it's a boy, I want a Jr. He gone be swagged out just like his daddy. Me and J decided that it's best that we raise the baby as I'm it's real father.  Maybe when he gets older we'll tell him.

That's right him I already know it's a boy. J think it's a girl, and she is so wrong.

"Baby." I said to her.


"Your beautiful. "

"Thanks baby. " she said blushing. What I said was true,  she is beautiful. I'm lucky to have a girlfriend like her and one day she will be my wife. I just know she will. I can't see myself without her.

(Appointment )

"Hello Mrs. Gonzalez and Mr.Broadnax. " The doctor said coming in.

"Hey Dr. Smith. " we both said.

"So today we find out what your having, are y'all excited? "

"Yes ma'am but I already know it's a boy. " I said proudly.

"Yes ma'am I'm ready to see my girl." J said ribbing her stomach.

"We'll let's get started. "Dr. Smith said putting on cloves.  J pulled up her shirt and the Dr. put that jelly stuff on her stomach. "Come here daddy and see."

I got up and looked at the screen. I think my eyes playing Tricks on me.

"Okay this is the baby's head and this is the baby's... Oh my it's seems as if there is...."


-They parents are helping.

-Aren't they just so cute together.

-they got the own house.

-What did Quees and Dr. Smith see. (:


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