Part 1

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Virgil Pov
           "BEEP BEEP BEEP"
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping at me to get the hell up. Why did I even set my alarm I don't have to do any- oh right I have to go to hell- I mean school today. I slowly get out of bed 'What should I wear today's I think to myself 'OH I know WHAT ABOUT WHAT I WEAR EVERY SINGLE FÙCKING DAY' I go over to my dresser and pull out black skinny jeans, black MCR shirt, black boxers, my black convers with purple laces, and purple socks.

"Virgil it's time for breakfast you don't want to be late to your new school do you?" My mom yelled from down stairs. "Coming in just a minute" I yelled in response. I got dressed and ran down stairs, basically inhaled my breakfast, and left the house to start walking to school. I Live about 20 minutes from the school. I start walking already feeling anxious so I put in my head phones and start playing MCR along with other bands.

Patton Pov
        I wake up bright and early for my first day of school sure I don't particularly like it but it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I get dressed in my normal blue polo shirt, some normal blue jeans, some black tennis shoes, and my gray cardigan that I tied around my shoulders.

     I walk down stairs, eat my food quickly, and I'm out the door for my short walk to my school. I can't wait to see my boyfriends they are so carrying and cute and awww I just can't wait. As I'm daydreaming I accidentally run into someone and we both fall down.
   " I-I am so s-sorry" the guy said his voice deep and filled with worry. I smile "That's ok my name is Patton what's your's?" I asked as I stuck my hand out to help him up. "Oh um my name is Virgil" he said taking my and and looking down. "Oooo I like that name it's really cool so you off to school if so can I come with?" I asked grinning. "Uh yeah sure I guess but I don't talk much" he said still looking down "That's fine I just wanted to get to know you so we can be friends" I said and he gave no response.

" Oh I mean only if you want to I'm sorry if that came on to strong my boyfr- I mean friends say that I really need to work on that, hehe so what d'ya say?" I asked hopefully to witch he looked up at me and nodded sheepishly and gave me the beginning of a small smile, and my grin widened. " Yay c'mon my boyfr- I mean friends would love to meet you." I said.

~time skip to the school brought to you by DAD JOKES~

Virgil Pov
     Me and Patton just arrived at school and I'm happy that I had just made a friend my first friend in along time so I'm determined not to screw this up. " hey Virgil do you want to come meet my friends and sit with us" Patton asked. Oh no more people no no I can do this you can do this Virgil. "Uh yeah sure" I said and tried to smile inevitably failing.

    We walked over to Patton's friends and he engulfed them in a big hug while I kinda just stayed back and studied what they look like. One was tall had a lean figure, and brown hair, he was wearing a Hamilton t-shirt, black convers, a red jacket, and some black skinny jeans. In contrast the guy next to him was slightly shorter than the other guy wearing a black polo, khakis, a black and blue striped tie, and like the exact same glasses as Patton.
     "Hi guys I'm so happy to see you it's been forever since I've seen you guys." Patton gushed "Whoa Patton calm down we just saw each other like last week" the guy in the Hamilton shirt said slightly pushing Patton back. "Yes salutations Patton but I need to agree with Roman on this one we have just seen each other last week, but on to more important matters who is this you have brought with you?" the guy in the tie asked. Oh no what if they don't like me what if the just shut me out and then I'll be friendless forever.

     I panicked but then Patton said "Oh this is Virgil I bumped into him on the way to school." They looked at me and the Hamilton guy came up to me and said dramatically "Greetings Virgil my name Roman" he bowed much like a Disney Prince would so I decided to give him a nickname. "Heya Princy." I said as I did a two finger salute. "Oooo I love the nickname for Roman Virgil" Patton said. "Yes it seems it is quite fitting for Roman. My name is Logan it's a pleasure because any friend of Patton is a friend of ours." Said the guy in the tie, Logan, shaking my hand.
   "So I have to go get my schedule so I'll get going now it was nice meeting you guys" I said. "Wait! I shall  accompany you fair maiden" Princy said. I raised an eyebrow "Um sure Princy if you want" I replied. "Then let us embark on our journey to the front office My Emo Nightmare" Prince said, yet again overdramatically "First of all thank you. Second of all cool it on the dramatics there Princy." I said, and with that we walked over to the office.

Patton Pov(sorry for all the Pov changes)
    "Soooooooo do think Roman likes him Lo?" I asked Logan. "Well I'm not very good with emotions I'd say he might have a crush on him, remember when he was trying to woo us with his "charm" and I must say he is quiet attractive as well." Logan explained.

   "Yeah do you think we might be able too get him to be in are little boyfriend group thinky ma jobber?" I asked hopefully. Logan looked like he was contemplating it "Well there is a possibility that, yes he could join our polyamorous relationship but I wouldn't get your hopes up to high because we don't know how he stands in this kind of thing much less if be wants to be in one." He stated. "That's good enough for me" I exclaimed.

     Roman and Virgil then came back from the office. "Hey Virgil may I see your schedule" Logan asked politely. He nodded and handed him the paper "Well it appears that we have all the same classes, what a coincidence." He said I grinned and so did Roman and Virgil gave a small smile.

   Then the bell rang telling us to get to class. 'This is going to be a good year' I thought to myself as we walk to class.

WOW 1174 words not to shabby
Hiya people this is my first fanfic I've written on any kind of website so sorry if it's shit I finally decided to wright a fan fic thanks to SoftxRacoon  persuading me to do this. Go check them out if you haven't already they are pretty cool a human and this might not be updated regularly due to my laziness and lack of creativity in general. So yeah I hope you have a good day/night and I'll see you later guys gals and non binary pals piece out 😸✌

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