Part 4

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They have known each other for about a month now I know big time skip ok sue me
Virgil Pov

I'm walking through the halls thinking about my new found friends I like them. Yeah but they don't care Virgil once they see how broken you are the will just leave you like every one else did. No they won't. I tried to reason with myself. Oh but yes they will just you wait.

And then it left for now. While I was deep in thought I ran into someone, and as I was bracing for the floor a strong pair of arms wrapped around me.

" Whoa hold on there My Chemically Imbalanced Romance you should watch were your going" he said. I looked down trying to hide my blush.

"Oh hey Princy, sorry I was lost in thought" I apologized scratching the back of my neck. "Don't fret fair madden" I looked up at him and he winked. I stood up right looking into his eyes and blushed, he giggled that Damn giggle is gonna kill me one of these days.

NO WHAT ARE YOU THINKING YOU CANT BE THINKING ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT NOT ONLY HAVE YOU JUST MET BUT HE HAS TWO BOYFRIENDS ALREADY! You can be thinking about how Romans face light up when he gets complimented or how Patton will rush over as fast as possible when he sees a dog or any animal for that matter, or how Logan's eyes light up when Patton tells a dad joke or is talking about something that really interests him, or how extravagant Roman acts in general or just how amazing they all are in general and - Oh shit I have a crush on them.

And before he left he said "By the way you're cute when you blush" I blushed more and mumbled "Well your cute all the time" and then he walked away. The bell rang. SHIT IM LATE. And I sped off to my next class

Roman Pov
OMG HE JUST CALLED ME CUTE. I went to my next class and sat next to Logan. "Hey babe, guess what?" I whispered/asked him. "Did you get the part in the school play?" He answered

"No well yeah but not relevant right now" I said excited grinning. "OK then what is with your more overly happy then usually mode?" He asked "Well I ran into Virgil in the hallway and I got him to blush" I exclaimed quietly.

He gave me one of those 'ok and you had to tell me this why?' Looks

"And do you know how cute he looks when he blushes ?" I asked. "Yes I am fully aware of how adorable Virgil is but I just don't see why this was information you needed to share with me" he stated. I sighed in frustration "Because you I want to tell you and for you to be a good boyfriend and be like 'good job' or somethin I don't know" I said.

"Well I suppose that if that is what you were intending then I suppose that you did good, love" Logan stated. I smiled and then the teacher started the lesson.


time skip to lunch cuz of plot progression X3~

Patton Pov

Me and Virgil are waiting at our lunch waiting for Roman and Logan. The came (all puns intend😏) about 5 minutes after lunch ended looking slightly dis levelled. Yup they defiantly made out.

"Hiya guys did you have fun making out?" I teased once they sat down with their food. Logan almost choke on air, Roman blushed, and Virgil just laughed. "We did not!" Logan exclaimed. "Yeah sure and I'm not gay oh wait" Virgil taunted.

"Whatever! Let's just eat." Logan exclaimed. "Hey, so my parents are out of town this weekend and I was wondering if, you know, you guys would like to have a sleep over at my house on Friday (It is Thursday)?" Virgil asked.

"I would love to kiddo"
"Well of course Surly Temple"
"Yes that would be enjoyable"

We all said. Oh I can't wait! This is going to be so much fun!

~time skip to after lunch and last class  of the day~

Patton Pov
It was about 5 minutes until the bell rang to go home. And I asked Logan in a seductive whisper "Do you want to come to my house after school Roman is going to Virgil's?" It was more of a statement but what ever. He gulped and nodded. The bell rang. We rushed out of the classroom and into Logan's car.

Once we got to my house, my parents weren't home, I slammed my lips into his and licked his lips, asking for entrance, which he granted. After we made out for at least 20 minutes, maybe more I don't know, we pulled away panting.

"Pizza?" I asked panting

"Yeah sure" he agreed also panting.

Hi people it's me again I just decided to update so here you go it's not much but I felt like doing it cause I was bored. And be for you say it yes we are going down the cliche sleepover thing ok just deal with it I'm uncreative OK. Well I'm going to go drown in my self piety for no good reason.
See ya later guys gals and non binary pals! PIECE OUT✌😸❤

Do I Love Them? (LAMP/Polysanders High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now