Part 2

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Warning: panic attack, use of harmful gay slang words, bullying, and even more shit writing then last chapter so if any of these things bother you I'll put like ---- to signal the beginning and end ❤

Virgil Pov
Logan, Patton,Princy, and I were walking down to hell I mean math for our first class when someone trips me "HA that's what you get for being an emo fag." The random guy said. I froze did the already know I'm gay. No they don't Virgil he's just being a dick head.

But that didn't stop my lungs from refusing to take in full breathes. I got off the floor and rush to the nearest bathroom, and locked myself in the stall.

Patton Pov
Virgil just ran off into a bathroom "Guys c'mon we've got to see what's wrong with Virgil" I said quickly. Logan and Roman followed me to the bathroom. When we got in, there was heavy breathing and crying I looked over to Logan "Logan do you know what is wrong" I whispered. "It would appear as if he is having a panic attack" He stated. When he said that me and Roman rushed to the stall, I slid under and unlocked it "Virgil what's wrong shh it'll be ok Deceit was just being mean shh." I said while Roman rubbed is back and Logan, never being very good with emotions, just stayed back and guarded the door.

"N-no it's n-not because your gonna f-find out and your gonna h-hate me" he sobbed. "Virgil we would never hate you we have no right to hate you just because of some stupid thing that happened ok" Roman said. "Yeah we'll be there for you kiddo alright?"

The bell then rang telling us that we are late. "Y-you guys can go now I don't want you to be late on your first day" Virgil stuttered. "No we shall stay with you through this endeavor. What kind of friends would we be if we didn't." Logan explained.

"W-we're friends?" Virgil asked hopefully almost like he was expecting rejection. "Yes of course we're friends silly!" I exclaimed.

Once he calmed down completely it was almost time for second period so we went to the office. Once we were in the office the lady at the desk looked up at us. She had blue glasses, Brown hair down to her shoulders, crystal blue eyes, and was wearing what I think to be an Alaska Thunderfuck t-shirt. (If you know who that is I love you)

"Hello hello hello how may I help you guys" she asked kindly. "I um did my parents tell you about my condition." Virgil asked looking down. "Yes why what happened" she asked concerned.

"I uh I had a panic attack." He said quickly still looking down. Oooh so he has anxiety awww I feel bad for him. I then made it my mission to help Virgil with his anxiety and if the others want to or not is not a option because if the don't help they won't get kisses for a month. (Savage Patton savage)

"Oh I'm sorry doll is there anything you need" she asked sympathetically. "And why are they here as well" she added looking/glaring over to us. Man she is intimidating "Well someone called me a fag and that's when it started and then they helped me through it so we missed first period" he said. "Oh I'm sorry well will make sure he gets punished at once" she turned to us "boys thank you for helping Virgil but do you know who said this?" She asked.

"It was Luke ma'am." Logan stated "This'll be his second detention today" she mumbled along with some other incoherent things, and handed us some tardy slips "OK here you boys go if he bothers you again please tell me and we will punish him now off you go." She said and we headed out to our next class.

~time skip to lunch because author is lazy and school is boring~

Virgil Pov
We are walking to lunch when a bunch of, what I assume are, cheerleaders came up to us

"Hey Patton are you gonna come to practice today" one asked. "Yeah are team is just bad without you, it just doesn't have enough, you know?" another said. "Hmm I don't know... HEY do guys want to come to practice with me" he asked us. Roman and Logan nodded and said "Sure". "Yaaaaay so I'll be there girls but we have got to go get food I'll see you later girls" Patton exclaimed.

So Patton's a cheerleader hmm that cute, WAIT WHAT I JUST MET THE GUY I CANT BE THINKING THESE THINGS! UGH STUPID EMOTIONS!"I didn't know you were a cheerleader" I said. I looked at him and his eyes looked slightly terrified "Oh I um I just like to..." his voice kinda drifted off and sounded unsure. "That's cool I wish I had the courage to do that." I said mumbling the last part. He let out an audible sigh of relief.

"So Surly Temple this may be a bit straight forward but it's something I've been dying to know because one I really genuinely want to know and I'm a nosey bitch soooo what's your sexuality?"Roman asked my face immediately flushed a crimson colour and I looked down.

"Roman you don't just say that" Patton scolded. "And watch your language mister" he added "While I agree with Patton I am curious as well but to make you feel more comfortable with answering such a question, why don't we all say our sexualities?" Logan suggested. That's nice of Logan he would risk they're embarrassment for my comfort so sweet.

"Um ok" I said sheepishly still looking down. "Well I'm gay" Roman stated extravagantly. "I'm pansexual and no I'm not sexually attracted to pans but that would be PANtastic wow that sounded better in my head" Patton exclaimed smiling like usual. "I am demisexual and panromantic" Logan stated. Ok Virgil you got this they aren't going to judge you.

I took a deep breath for courage "I'm gay" I mumbled. Roman engulfed me into a hug "Welcom to the gay train man" Roman exclaimed. "Yeah yeah Princy get off me" I said slightly pushing him off me while blushing and my stomach feeling a weird fluttering sensation. I brushed I aside thinking that it was just because I was hungry and feeling glad I was excepted for once.

Hiya people this is Gabby again I just wanted to say that sorry for my shit writing again. I'm in the car for like an hour or two so I thought "Why not update" so yeah I added my friend TT in the story she was the secretary so yeah I didn't know how to end this chapter so that is why it's kind of short and shit I also tried to wright a panic attack but I've (thankfully) never had one so sorry if it's really bad. Also deceit's name is Luke for my head cannon so yeah I think that's it I may update once more this weekend idk maybe. One more thing I'm thinking about maybe writing a one shot book so tell me if you want to see that. Any critics you would like to make or suggestions you like to make would be lovely. That's it for now guys gals and non binary pals piece out✌😸

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