Part 3

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Roman Pov
       It's the end of the day, andVirgil, Logan, Patton, and I were walking over to Patton's cheerleader practice. Man I hope that I can keep the blush off myself.

      "Hey Patton how long is your practice I have to be home by 4 so my moms don't freak the hell out?" I asked. "Oh it should only be like one or two hours, but if you want to leave early than you can, and language Ro." Patton replied happily. 

      "Would you guys like to accompany me to my house my parents would love to see you guys again and meets you as well Virgil?" Logan asked.

   "I would love to Specks"I said "Yay I love your house I'll come!" Patton exclaimed. "Are you sure" Virgil asked. "While yes of course I am Virge" Logan assured Virgil. "Um ok then sure." Virgil mumbled.

Patton Pov

    "I'm gonna go get changed and ready I'll see you guys at break" I said sending a flirtatious wink at both Roman and Logan. They both had light blush while Logan corrected me "going to Patton not gonna" "aggh fine your no fun sometimes" I whined.

     "Patton practice starts in 5!" The coach yelled. "Oh sorry be there in a second!" He yelled back "See ya later boys byyyyy." I ran to change and then went to the cheer line. Today I feel like being I bit more flirty then usual so I "accidentally" flashed my underwear a couple of times.

"OK ladies and Patton 10 minute break" the coach yelled.

         I walked over to the bench were they were sitting. Logan and Roman looked flustered and even Virgil had a slight blush. "H-hello Patton you were doing great" Roman said "Yes Patton indeed you did a great job" Logan said. "Yeah you did pretty good." Virgil mumbled. "Aww thanks guys I could just hug you guys" I exclaimed hugging them tightly. "C-can't breathe" Virgil stuttered out. I released them from my death grip on them

      "Hehe oops sorry" I said scratching the back of my neck  sheepishly and blushing. "That's ok Patton just be more careful about your death grip next time ok?" Virgil said. "Patton back to practice!" Coach yelled. "By guys" I said and then I left to practice.

~Time skip to end of practice and at Logan~

Virgil Pov

   We arrive at Logan's house. "Mom I'm home and I'm hear with Patton, Roman, and Virgil." She poked her head out of the kitchen "Oh hi boys" she turned to me "Hello dear you must be there new boyfriend. My name is Sherry it is nice to meet you" she said.

    "OK let's go to my room shall we" Logan rushed, and we went to his room. And what she said just hit me "Hey what did she mean when she said 'you must be there new boyfriend'?" I asked slowly. They all exchanged a look and then Logan broke the silence.

     "OK you were going to  find out eventually so Patton, Roman and, I are in a polyamous relationship" Logan said. I gave them a confused look. "A poly what now?" I asked "Polyamous relationship meaning we are all in a relationship" Logan explained. "OK... So you guys are just dating each other." I asked. "Yes that would be correct" he said.

I looked at them and they all looked anxious and scared. "Awww that's so cute I- I mean yeah that cool. No I mean THAT IS SO CUTE AWWW" I exclaimed blushing slightly. "Oh thank God" Patton sighed in relief "I've been wanting to do this all day." He went over to Princy and Logan and gave them a peck on the lips. They both blushed, while me an Patton laughed. This good I'm glad I have friends like these.

Hiya people sorry it's short and bad I think I might be getting writers block, either that or I'm just sleep deprived. I also just started a one shot book so if you want to check that out plz do. AND PLEASE LEAVE SUGGESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS SECTION FOR THAT BOOK OR THIS BOOK PLZ IM NOT CREATIV EVERY WHERE I GO IS  GREEN (of you get that I love you) that is all for now I'll see you later guys gals and non binary pals piece out ✌😸

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