Epilogue part 1

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Disclaimer this was not written by me this was written by the lovely PriaSama I just edited it a bit. So now that we are all on the same page let's get on with it.

~time skip 6 years in da future~

Third Pov

Virgil was pacing around in his dressing room fiddling with the sleeves of his suit jacket and adjusting the flower crown,that Patton insisted that they all were, on his head. He was also thankful that not only was his jacket purple, but his dress shirt was black, so it could hide the, inevitable, sweat patch, caused by his heightened anxiety.

It had been 6 years since he'd confessed and it had gone well, so we'll on fact, that he was pacing around in his dressing room drowning in his own sweat! In a tux, an undoubtably expensive one at that! Expected to walk out In front of the judging faces of his and his finances' family members In minutes!

Roman had walked in the room to check up on Virgil. When he saw him a found smile made the way to his face.

"Honey calm down" he muttered. Virgil spun on his heel to Roman smiling that same smile that he had fell in love with. Roman was wearing a tux to, a white undershirt with a red jacket and a red tie with gold swirly things. And a red and white flower crown to match. Virgil thought he looked ravishing. Roman walked over to Virgil and pulled him into a hug and admiring the nail polish that Patton made them wear. He thought that it would be cute... And he was so right.

"How's it looking out there?" Virgil asked looking into one of his more dramatic finances' eyes in search if any thing negative, and unfortunately he did.

"Well..." He trailed off

"Yeah" Virgil asked slightly scared.

"Only a hand full of your family, Logan's parents and aunts, Patton's family, ... and Talyn showed up" He looked down.

What! Only Talyn showed up to support him on his wedding day!

Virgil frowned "Princy I'm-" he was cut off by the song.

"C'mon, Love, let's go the song's starting.

Virgil pursued his lips but didn't resist as Roman pulled him out of the room.

When they got out Virgil saw that Roman wasn't lying about how many guests they had. He frowned to see that Roman and Logan had so few people to support them, but smirked when he saw Logan, standing by the priest, fiddling with his fingers. He was relieved that he wasn't the only nervous one but he certainly didn't expect it from Pocket Protector.

They rushed to they're spots as the sound begun, and the crowd got quiet.

Joan walked Patton down the aisle, Patton was wearing a cute little blue dress with a navy blue belt and I gold and purple flower crown in top. (See top it's the closest I could find) They got to the end of the aisle and Joan just held on to his son not wanting to let go.

"Joan" Patton giggled "YOU can let go now" they're face grew red when they realised that they'd have to let go, and they joined Thomas, Jon, and Talyn in the crowd.

Joan suddenly became serious, they weren't kids any more, there was no coming home at the end of the day... they'd have to let go.

Just then the priest began "Dearly beloved (or lack thereof) we are gathered here today to join the souls these men, an important moment in there lives. Throughout their time together they have seen their love and understanding for each other grow and blossom, and now they have decided to live out the breast of they're lives' as one." Ran held his head high and smiled, at the very least Talyn would see.

" Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil do you take each other from this day forward, to have and to hold, for batter or worse, in richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

And with out hesitation they all said I do in unison.

"Patton I was told you have some vows"

Patton smiled and nodded, toke out a piece of paper, and unnecessarily cleared his throat.

" 9 months after I thought my life was complete, I found out ity wasn't. I quite literally ran to a very anxious looking  boy, and made the life decision to introduce him to my boyfriends, whom, at the time, I his them under the label 'my friends'. Roman fell in love immediately and Virgil loved him back (it was so obvious) I guess his Princy charm does work on every body, he was always the more romantic one anyways." He paused to giggle at the name pun.

Roman glanced at Virgil and blushed.  He like me back that early!?

" From Logan coming out being trans to Virgil confessing we've always loved and accepted each other. They love me... And I Love them, a bushel and a peck." He giggle signifying that he was done.

Virgil chuckled while pretty much everyone else groaned.

"That.. wasn't as pun filled as I expected it to be" Logan noted.

"Are you complaining." Roman muttered back.

"Not at all" Logan replied smiling slightly.

"So I guess you could say that Patton was" Virgil started through giggles.

"Don't you dare" Roman warned.

"Poly 'n' dry" (polyandry another word for polyamorous)

Virgil nearly fell over, dying from his joke while the crowd groaned. Patton squeezed and engulfed his so to be husband in a hug. "I'm so proud of you YOU MADE A DAD JOKE!"

"Patton... can't... breathe" he said breathlessly

Logan and Roman laughed at that.

"Oh sorry hehe" he said scratching the back of his neck.

The priest cleared his throat to catch everyone's attention "YOU may now kiss the bria- groom...sss"

And they did.

After that they had a lovely reception, and a nice dinner, and when they got home. Let's just say Roman and Virgil won't be walking for a while😉😏😏😉.

Hey guys so yeah update sorry this book is really short, but whatever. Again I did not write this it was written by the lovely PriaSama I just edited it a bit. And I believe that they will be writing they second half of this idk maybe I'll have to ask. Also I thought it would be cute if Patton wore all the colours so that's why he's a bit all over the place. ThAt's it for now and I'll see you later guys gals and non binary pals! PIECE OUT😊😂❤✌

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