Part 6

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Third Person Pov

Logan was the first to arrive at the school, he was sitting at a table pondering over something important. Should I tell them I'm trans?

Patton, Logan, and Roman have been dating for about 9 months now and during that time, they've helped Patton with his depression, Logan with his OCD, and Roman with his anorexia. They never keep secrets from each other, and they've always said that they love each other no matter what, so why was it so hard for Logan to tell them this now? Logan's not sure logically he has nothing to be afraid of but he still is.

"Emotions they bane of my existence"
He mumbled.

Patton arrived next "Hiya Logan whatcha doing" Patton exclaimed smiling but the smile didn't quite reach up to his eyes.

Logan noticed this and acted accordingly "Salutations Patton are you feeling ok?" He asked concerned about his boyfriend's mental health.

"I'm doing better today my medication has been knocked down a bit (I'm not sure if that actually happens so if it doesn't then it does in this story) so I just think of you guys more often" he explained smiling genuinely now.

"That's good" Logan said holding Patton's hand, witch is big for him seeing as how he's not one for physical contact, he then pulled out a book and started reading.

Patton's smile grew ten fold. He sighed contentedly and pulled our his adult coloring book, a good way to get out of the real world, and began to colour in a peacock looking type thing.

Roman then arrived and sat down next to them. "Good morning my loves" he exclaimed smiling.

Logan looked up from his book offering a small smile saying "Good morning dear". And went back to reading. (Me)

Patton looked up from his colouring book and exclaimed "Good morning, Ro!" He gave Roman a warm smile and a basically bone crushing hug, and sat back down to colour, his tongue sticking out a little in concentration.

Roman smiled fondly at his boyfriends and started looking over the lines in the play that he's apart of.

Virgil arrived last walking over to his friends "Yo what's up"

They looked up from what they were doing to greet him.

"Hiya kiddo" Patton exclaimed putting up his colouring book, with the now finished peacock, and smiling at Virgil.

"Greeting Surly Temple" Roman greeted putting up his script and smiling at Virgil as well.

"Yes salutations Virgil and technically there is no up everything is out- and oooh that was slang wasn't it?" Logan asked.

"Yup and thanks for the information Pocket Protector" Virgil smirked when Logan blushed from not understanding heat Virgil said.
Patton giggled and they started to talk about random stuff until they bell rang, Logan even told a dad joke "accidentally", but if you ask him he'll deny it.

~time skip to the end of the day because I'm lazy ass bitch~

Patton Pov

We arrived at Virgil's house.

"You guys can put your stuff down wear ever" Virgil said.

We nodded and put our stuff down in the couch.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Virgil asked.

"Want to and I'm fine with whatever you guys wish to do" Logan corrected/stated.

"Oooh let us play truth or dare (Yes we're doing this) get it cuz lettuce" I  giggled at my own joke.

Roman and Logan groaned while Virgil tried to hide a smile. I'll count that as a victory. I thought.

Do I Love Them? (LAMP/Polysanders High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now