Part 5

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It's Friday TW: slight mention of past anorexia and shit writing that is all.

Virgil Pov

I woke up 5 min early today, so I got up, got dressed, and went down stairs to get some food.

"Good morning honey" my dad called.

"Hi dad hi dad (his dads are Thomas and Jon yes I went there) " I said. "I'm having a sleepover with some friends tonight sense you guys are going out of town that's ok right?"

"Yeah that's alright as long as there is no funny business going on" father (Jon) winked.

I blushed and looked down "I don't even know if they are gay" I lied I know they are gay or at least some some sexuality to date a guy. (Did that makes sense? Probably not)

"Virgil did you take your medicine" dad called from the kitchen.

"No" I called back then he handed me a pill and I downed it with a sip of water.

"OK hun it's time to go to school now" dad said. I nodded and stepped out the door
"Love you see you Sunday" father called

"Love you too" I called back and set out to the journey to hell- I mean school. I can't wait to see my crushes today.

Logan Pov
My alarm went off at precisely 6:30. I got up, got dressed, made my bed, went down the stairs, and ate a healthy breakfast.

My mom came down came down the stairs. "Good morning sweetie" she said.

"Good morning mom. Virgil is having a sleepover and would like me to attend my I go?" I asked.

"Will your boyfriends be there?" She asked.

"Yes of course why wouldn't they be" I replied.

"Then yes you may go" she said and went to get some breakfast.

I finished my meal, said good by to my mom and headed of to school. I can't wait to see my boyfriends today.

Roman Pov

I woke up to my alarm singing 'Some Day My Prince Will Come'. I sighed and got out of bed. I got dressed, fixed my hair, washed my face and brushed my teeth (they all brushed there teeth and stuff ok), and went down stairs to get my breakfast.

"Roman you up earlier than usual" said Talyn (Roman adoptive paternal figure).

"Yeah by like 10 minutes" I said.

"Mhm fair enough" they said.

"So you remember Virgil right." I asked. They hummed in response. "Well he's having a sleepover tonight and I was wondering if I could go?" I asked.

"Yeah sure as long as any of you guys don't Fuck that's fine by me" they snickered.

I blushed bright red and looked down
"Talllllyynnnn" I whined.

"Alright alright fine just sayin" they teased.

I groaned and sat down to eat. I didn't used to eat much but my loving boyfriends helped me through it and now I eat all three meals, full meals, a day and I feel better than ever. I finish my cereal and walked out the door.

"By Talyn love you" I called.

"By Roman LOVE you to" they called back.

I went out the door and head off to school. I can't wait to see my boyfriends today.

Patton Pov
I woke up to my alarm singing 'Whiney The Poo' from my favorite Disney movie, Whiney the Poo,. I got out of bed, got dressed, and went down stairs to get my breakfast. When I got down stairs Joan, my adoptive paternal figure, said "Good morning Patton."

"Good morning Joan" I chirped. I got my cereal and sat down to eat.

"Hey Joan Virgil's having a sleepover tonight, can I go?" I asked.

"Yes of course you can go Pat" they said.
"YAY thank you" I exclaimed.

I finished my breakfast and headed for the door.

"Bye Joan love ya" I chirped.

"Bye Patton have a nice day" I called.

I walked ok the door and headed off to school. I can't wait to see my boyfriends today. (666 words at today)

Hiya people you finally have an update. So sorry it's shorter and worse than usual I have I a bit of writers block and I almost couldn't finish the chapter, so if you have ideas please tell me because I'm running out and if you have suggestions for my one shot book please go over and leave them #shamelessselfpromo please writers block is a bitch.
Anyways that's all for now I love you all and I'll see you later guys gals and non binary pals! PIECE OUT!😁😁😸❤❤

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