7. Glad to have been waiting, Part 1

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Arthur's POV

Two years of no communication from Hannah.

Does she feel that bad about this whole "arranged marriage" thing Veronica and I got dragged into.

She wasn't like this before.

For her to suddenly do something this unpredictable,

She's definetely hiding something
from me.

This is why it led to my decision to be back in the Phillipines to finish college.


To meet Hannah again.


I'm now driving my way to the university.

As soon as I had step foot out of my car I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

I could hear everyone whispering around me.

I mean who would ever think a transfer student like me would appear right now.

Alright, now I just have to go meet the principal.

"Mr. Villaverde! There you are!"

My thoughts were interrupted by a bubbly sounding woman.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Mendoza, the principal of this university.

"Good Morning Maam. I'm Arthur Villaverde."

"Yes, yes I know. I'm actually here to give you a tour around the campus, but first I'll be assigning you your locker so please follow me."

Well that was fast! I was only able to introduce myself to her.

We walked around the huge hallways of the campus and true enough people were still attacking a few glances at me.

"Well, here we are Mr. Villaverde."

We came to a stop at the line of lockers in front of me.

"Pwede mo nang ilagay yung mga gamit mo diyan. That is, if you feel like doing it."

"Maam, I have a ques-"

I was about to ask her a question but she interrupted me from doing it

"I'm sorry Mr. Villaverde I believe I can no longer give you a tour around the campus, I have an important phone call as of now, but don't worry I'll send someone."

Ang malas ko man lang talaga.

"It's okay maam. I'll just put my stuff in my locker while waiting for who you'll send."

The inside of my locker was actually really spacious.

I'll just keep myself busy putting my stuff inside.

A few moments later I heard some footsteps approaching me closer and closer until it came to a halt.

"You must be the new student! I'm Hannah Louisse Ramirez, the principal asked me to pick you up here and show you around the univer-"

Tama ba ang narinig ko?


I can't be wrong.

No, she definitely introduced herself as Hannah.

She might've noticed that I stopped moving.

"Hey you alr-"

If the girl behind this door really is Hannah, she will need some explaining as to why she cut off any communication between us.

I'm mad.

No, scratch that. I'm furious.

I slammed the door of the locker shut leaving the sound of metal crashing against each other.

She looked at me with wide eyes.

This isn't the same girl I spent my childhood with.

No, the girl standing before me is a mature grown up woman.

Her long brown hair that once rested on her head like a crown is now short.

I'm not saying that it doesn't suit her, she's actually even prettier now than before.

Her features are now more defined than ever.

Those brown doll-like eyes that I had given much praise before is even more beautiful along with those lashes that have grown longer.

I could stare at her all day, but that would be weird. Right?

But, I am missing something here. She's definitely grown a few inches.

Before, she used to raise her head just to face me but now she's almost my eye level.

The Hannah in front of me is now a dfferent person.

My anger has now subsided, it's hard to believe that my first intention towards Hannah was to throw my anger on her but...

How do I even say this?

This feeling wasn't here before.

Somehow I want to have her here in my arms and stay like that all day.

I couldn't help but grin at the beautiful sight in front of me.

I guess it is possible for people to change in a really short time

She seems way too shocked to see me.

Let's see...

how does one handle this kind of situation?

To be continued...

[A  U  T  H  O  R  '  S    N  O  T  E]

Hello dear readers! Obviously, I have published two chapters of 4 days a lover, 3 days a friend and I do plan on publishing another one within this week! I only need a tiny bit of motivation before I do😅. Soooooo......

Wish me luck!😙

4 days a lover, 3 days a friend (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now