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Is it really you?

Your POV
"Okay! Now that everyone is here, let's get on with our show. Today we are making...Gatcha Pork Roast." Mina announced. I smiled victoriously, since I know the perfect way to cook it and serve it with bedazzle. BamBam met my eyes and gave me the thumbs up. I giggled and whispered 'thanks!'. "BUT! Don't get too exited, there's a twist!" Mina smirks. I roll my eyes because there's ALWAYS a twist.

So.. I'm not that surprised." Okay, don't get too ahead of yourselves! The twist is... working with a partner!" Mina said. My jaw dropped to the floor. I regained my posture and just sighed heavily

Irene and Hyun-ha-"
I heard a squeal and an " ahem... umm okay."

"-Tanika and Darshan-"
The girl next to me smiled

"-Yonhi and Seangsu-" Yonhi and Seangsu high-fived each other...

"-Cho Soo and Jang-mi-" Cho Soo smiled at her partner

"-(Y/N) and Jin-" Okay


I spaced out after what Mina said. "Hey! Are you (Y/N)?" The familiar voice of Kim Seokjin was all I heard. I turned around and saw that gentle smile that made me fall for him in the first place." Yup" I said, keeping-- well...trying to-- my cool.

Okay this is happening- this is happening! Okayokayok calm down-

See you in the funny papers ❤

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