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Your POV

We arrived without any disturbances and everything was good.

=~= Time skip brought to you by Magic Shop 😍😍 =~=

"Hello we are back! And today we have no other than DREAM!" The hostess said. We made our entrance and sat down, waving to the camera and the people there (You know... the audience like in the Ellen Idek anymore). "Okay so could you introduce yourselves to the people who don't know who you are?" The hostess said

"Hello everynone~ I am (L/n) (Y/n)" I said as I bowed. The rest introduced themselves in their own little ways. After doing so they went on with the interview, "Okay that was lovely! Now let us see what people think of you guys so far. Let's read these comments!" The hostess said energetically.

" 'You guys aren't so bad after all~! I love you guys so far, keep going!' Awh thank you~" Dae said

"Oohhhhh my turn~! 'Don't mind the hate, DREAM! They have nothing to do with their lives you guys are great!' Thank you so much" Yonhi giggled.

" 'If haters are bothering you don't worry we're here supporting you through this! They don't know what their talking about when they say you guys are trash' you guys are so kind thank you" I read, really relived that there's still good out there

After a lot more sweet comments they ended the show and went back to the van. "Hey guys let's eat out today" I suggested. They agreed happily and we went to a buffet restaurant.


No one's POV

Jin went to the buffet table, after putting his things from practice along with everyone else. "Kookie are you sure you could watch over all of our stuff?" He asked, not sure if he should leave their stuff with Jungkook, who was playing with his phone. Jungkook nodded absent mindedly. Jin chuckled and went to the buffet table with everyone else.

What he didn't know is that DREAM would come to this same buffet restaurant.

"(Y/n) noona!" Jungkook said happily as he saw (Y/n) come in with the rest of the girls. (Y/n) waved at Jungkook and went over to his and his hyungs' table, "Hey Jungkook-ah!" (Y/n) said with the same amount of happiness as Jungkook, "So everyone's here?" She asked, Jungkook nodding after what she said.

Just as Jungkook nodded Jin came to the table, "Hey Kookie did anything get stol- (Y/n)?" Jin asked, attention now fully at you.

A/n: Sorry for the long wait! Like I said this damn Writer's block of a disease is killing me slowly

See you in the funny papers ❤

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