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"Well, I'm just glad that we got to meet our favorite group. Now settle down I'm trying to sleep." Van said tiredly, shutting everyone up, and they all agreed silently.

Your POV

By the time me and the others got to our dorm, it was already about 11 pm. Welp, good thing it's a Friday. We went-dragged- ourselves inside and went to our rooms to take a shower then sleep.

After I got in my pj's, I got a text message


Twitter:PinkPrincess just followed you!


I smiled and threw myself on my bed, opening Twitter to tweet one last phrase before I sleep, like I always do - l i e s.

G'night my dear followers! Sweet dreams! 😙

Jin's POV

G'night my dear followers! Sweet dreams! 😙

I rolled around silently, my fanboy self waking up as I read this simple phrase. "Goodnight, (Y/N)" I mumbled to myself.

Why... How do you make me feel this way, (Y/N)?

See you in the funny papers ❤

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