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"Aish! Whatever Jungkook"

Jin's POV

After their little performance, we exchanged numbers. DREAM then bid their goodbyes and went to find their van, tired and somewhat drained of energy. We didn't have to find ours because the van found us instead, midway through their dance.

We crowded in silently and settled down, getting ready for the trip back.

"Why is love complicated?" I heard the voice of Jungkook beside me say. We laughed, "Well, it's hard to explain" I replied, "Why? Is someone in looovvee ?" Jimin cooed. Jungkook blushed, "N-nevermind" he mumbled, still thinking about the comment and checked his phone instead, "Our little Kookie is growing up" Hoseok awed, wiping away imaginary tears. Everyone but Jungkook at least smiled or chuckled as the blushing boy groaned.

We all got back to our own worlds as we settled down, drowsiness washing over most of us. While some were nodding into sleep, I was sitting there silently, contemplating. Thoughts were flying back and forth in my head, unanswered questions started popping up. I brushed it off and instead got ready to take a little nap.

(Y/N)'s POV

We waved goodbye to our newfound friends after getting their numbers and went off to find our own van.

After what seemed like hours of searching we found them and scurried onto our seats. Everyone was quiet, either because their tired or because they were already napping.

"So (Y/N)..."

Oh gods please no, not this. Again.

Saenchul started. Cho snickered, she knew what's coming my way and she found it amusing.

" you like.. Jin, perhaps?"I choked on my saliva. Actually, now that I think of it, I never really knew if I liked him as an idol or as himself. It never dawned on me that way. I pondered for a bit, "I.. I honestly don't know" I answered slowly, still deep in my thoughts. "Oh c'mon (Y/n)-ah it's just yes or no" Yonhi whined playfully, eager to know who stole my heart. We laughed, "Hey be quiet. It's not that easy to answer because if I were to be asked, I would ponder for a long while if I did like him as an idol or if I liked him as himself. Right unnie?" Cho spoke up, speaking my thoughts exactly.

"Yeah" I smiled, "okay okay, you're only saying that because you're head over heels for Jimin and you are falling for Jin" Yonhi exaggerated as she pointed fingers to Cho then to me.

"Well, I'm just glad that we got to meet our favorite group. Now settle down I'm trying to sleep." Van said tiredly, shutting everyone up, and they all agreed silently.

See you in the funny papers ❤

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