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We'll show you, we'll do our best to show you

Cho's POV

I laid Yonhi on her bed, drying her face of her tears. When it all went down, I've never felt so determined. We'll show them. Sounds cliché, but it's true.

I kissed Yonhi on her forehead and left her be, letting her sleep in her room peacefully.
After which I went to my room and began working.

Your POV

I woke up next morning to the faint beats that were coming from the room next to mine. Cho? I listened more intently and confirmed it was her. I checked my phone and saw it was 4 in the morning. What's she doing this early..?

I got up groggily and went into Cho's room, only to see a heartbreaking scene. Cho was sleeping on her desk, pen still in hand, bags under her eyes. She was fast asleep, her headphones still blasting beats and melodies that she made.

I sighed, a sad smile dawning on my face. I got the pen and headphones and set her onto her bed- she was somewhat light for a girl. I was about to walk out until I saw the notes scattered around the desk and the ground. I picked them up and read some of it- it was some lyrics. I decided to leave it be and was at the door frame until-

I heard shuffling and a groan from the bed, "Fuck... I fell asleep," she sighed. I looked at Cho and she was scratching her head, standing up to continue working on lyrics, "you're overworking yourself, sleep" was all I said. I saw her, about to complain and I gave her the glare. She sighed, "You don't understand, I have to work harder-"

I bit my lip, "Yes, yes I do understand. You act mature when you're with the others but it's okay to relax and take time for yourself, you know?" I stated, walking up to her and comforting her, "Crying is good, it isn't a sign of weakness-"

"It's a sign of showing that you are mentally and emotionally stronger. I know" Cho mumbled, cutting me off. She sighed, taking in a shaky breath, " It's just- I feel like it's my responsibility to keep usup and care for us all, like the eldest in our family. I- I'm just-" She breaks. Her tears flow down her face, the tears that she held back for so long. I went up to her and huggged her close as she cried her heart out.

After that, I let her lay in her bed and proceeded to clean up the mess. I took time in doing so and looked over some of her newly written lyrics.

See you in the funny papers ❤

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