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One thing that honestly upsets me is how people base friendships and relationships off looks. It doesn't make any sense to me, how people could be so cruel to the, so called "ugly" ones.

If you are basing it off appearance, you're ugly inside. You cannot tear people down for the body that they were given, they didn't choose what person they were put in, but each and everyone has their own special qualities. When you look at someone and say, "ew, she's disgusting or she is not worth it," what do you get by saying that? Agreement of others? Applause for stating out the worse?

I could care less about looks, size or hair because the inside might be beautiful. I know people might say things a lot, but when you call people names and mistreat them, you're not only making their lives miserable, you're turning yourself into a monster.

So if you see a person standing alone being bullied by others for what they were given, stand up for them. Put yourself in their shoes, I bet my life you wouldn't like it.

The reason I am saying this, is because I was that one girl who hated everything about herself.

Why? Because people made me despise myself and turn against my personality. I'm middle school, I was overweight, I had glasses and braces and tons of breakouts. I wore the stupidest clothes and made the worst jokes.

People hated me, and everyday at lunch time, I was mistreated. Them telling me to change and then maybe, just maybe I might fit in. But I loved myself back then, I ate whatever I wanted , I did whatever I desired, but that wasn't enough.

So one day, I stopped eating, I started wearing contacts and begged my mother to buy me new clothes. I needed to fit in, I needed to feel loved my others because me loving myself? I was so over that.

A year later, I got my braces removed and my acne cleared up; I started wearing make up and wore revealing clothes. Thirty pounds later, people finally accepted me in their crowd and then high school came and people adored me. To this day, I still miss my old, goofy self and I wish I never changed.

I was soo desperate for everyone to love me. You might want to feel pretty, you might want to feel special, but you already are. Never change for anyone. But if you really do want to change, change for yourself not for anyone else. 

People who make fun of you are just jealous. It might not seem that way, but think about it. You are yourself no matter what anyone says. You don't follow the rules of the "perfect" girl. They do, and I am betting they wish they didn't. You're stuck in this fake world, with fake people all trying to fit in. Be the one who stands out. Live the way you want to, not the way people want you to. It's not worth it.

Luckily, I found this wonderful group of friends who treat me like a regular girl. They don't care what I look like and they don't care about my past.

Find a group that appreciates you for being yourself. Jasmine stuck with me through the darkest stages; she was there when I was in hospital for not eating correctly, and she was there when no one else was. Jake, Mason and Mike had made my life brighter, they opened up so many pathways for me and I just met them. Sure, life gets dramatic with them, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

All five of us are family and we treat each other with respect. We don't care what others say about us, we live who we are. Find your group and hold them tightly, you will never regret it.

I promise.

"The guys want to show us something," Jasmine stayed, peeking her head in the doorway.

"Oh geez, what is it?"

"If I knew, I would tell you," she replied in a "duh" kind of attitude.

"No need for sass, I'll be right down," I smirked.

Sparks  ✔️ EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now