C H A P T E R 6 | Gentleman

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"So we did the ring toss, ate an elephant ear, what next?" Mason asked as he walked in front of me but faced my direction so he was walking backwards.

"I don't know, I wasn't here since I was three," I reminded him.

"Well I recommend some rides," he pointed behind him.

"What about that one?" I pointed,looking at the ride in the air.

"Brave first ride, it goes pretty high," he warned, spinning around to see where I was looking.

"What, are you scared?" I teased.

Once we got to the ride, we bought tickets and the man told us to wait for the current ride to end.

"I am anything but scared," he stated, poking me on the side as we waited.

The ride finally ended and we were let on, "I will believe it when I see it," I smiled, him hopping on the swing next to mine.  

"Don't say I didn't warn you." he smirked, buckling himself up.

When the ride made a loud beeping sound, we were lifted in the air which made me grip the chains of the swing.

Mason must have noticed because he was laughing and I had to keep telling him to shut up. We might have met less than an hour ago but I feel protected with him, and I can trust him, at least that's what I think.

When we reached the top of the ride, I had an overlook on the fair. Jake and Payton were in there somewhere,probably looking for me, but I didn't care. Mason has been super nice to me and I needed that. Mason hasn't spoken a word since we started spinning around on the ride.

"You're scared," I laughed.

"Nope, just admiring the view," he smirked.

"If I didn't know you, I would have thought your this jock who dates cheerleaders," I laughed. "Not the one who would enjoy views at the fair and win a panda bear for me."

"There are only a few of my species left," he stated, looking into the distance.

"And what might be your species?"

"A gentlemen."

"You are weird," I shook my head.

"You are strange," he replied.

"How so?" I asked.

"Well, you spending the night with a random guy, when your friends, who came with you, are here somewhere. And let me just add, that you are not looking for them," he explained.

"Maybe I don't want to look for them."

"I get it, friends are sometimes not needed," he responded.

"They get on my nerves, especially Payton." I groaned.

"Is that the one who begged you to take the picture?"

"That would be the one," I sang.

"What did she say that made you so uncomfortable?"

"She thinks I am starving myself,so when she gave a corn dog to Jake and realized she didn't get me one, she said 'oh yea, you don't eat',"I explained and mimicked her voice.

"She doesn't seem like a very good friend."

"She's nice, but she has a big mouth," I stated.

"Well, you ate an elephant ear with me, and usually people who eat junk food don't starve themselves,"he winked.

We talked a little bit longer until the ride stopped and we were brought down to the ground. Mason helped me off and we visited more rides, him making a bet with me that if I throw up, I have to give him twenty dollars. Well,we visited five more rides (The Zipper; The Pirate Ship, The Tilt-A-Whirl and The Yellow Whirl Wind).

It was 9 o'clock now and Mason promised one more ride. He told me he saved the best to last, which really scared me, not knowing what he had in mind.

"Alright, open your eyes," Mason ordered, uncovering my eyes revealing this beautiful Ferris Wheel.

"Um, I... I...don't know," I stuttered, tears filling my eyes.

"Hey,hey, look at me," he stated, pulling my face toward his. "You shouldn't hold back your tears,but you also have to let some things go. I don't know what happened between you and Ferris Wheel's, but I know that if you don't do this today, you will never get over your fear," he explained wisely."If you don't want to go on, I won't force you, but if you decide to go on, I will be with you," he smiled, and I nodded, making his smile bigger.

"I will go on it," I assured.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Positive," I smiled.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Lets go," he proclaimed grabbing my hand running to the line.

Once we jumped in the cubby, we shut the door and began to go up. I began shaking once we neared the top because this is where me and my dad used to throw teddies at people.

"Breath, Isabella, breath, look around everything is beautiful and light up. You're just thinking about the worst, think about the present, think about now," he calmly stated.

"You're right," I smiled and looked around.

"Let me see your phone," he demanded, and I gave him my phone.

"Say cheese," he stated and snapped a picture of us with the beautiful view.

He handed my phone back and continued to go round until the third time and we got off. We stayed in silence for the rest of the ride; it wasn't the weird silence, it was more the comfortable and "enjoying the present" kind.

Mason made my festival experience better than Payton and Jake would have made it and I am soo happy he helped me with the Ring Toss.I realized that I will probably never see him again, which made my sad. I mean I can't break my promise with my grandmother and I had a feeling that if Mason and I were friends, I would want to be something more than friends.

Mason and I walked to the entrance of the fair and just stood there. Part of me wished he would ask me for my number and the other part knew he wouldn't. Grabbing my phone, I called Jake, and asked him where they were. And you know what he said that made me so disappointed with him?

"Payton made me leave with her, I'm so sorry, do you want me to pick you up?"the moment he said that, I lightly smiled at Mason who looked at me, clearly upset.

"What happened?" He asked

"I guess they left without me, taking my camera too," I shrugged

"Do you need a ride?"

"No, it's fine I'll call my mother."

"The festival will close in ten minutes and when they do that, you will need to leave this property. Come on I'll drive you," he said, making me think he won't change his mind anytime soon.

"Fine, lead the way."


He pulled up in the driveway and looked at me before speaking.

"I had a great night, thank you," he smiled.

"No, thank you for making my fair experience better than I expected,"  I laughed.

"Well I should probably get in," I stated, after a few minutes of silence.

"Don't forget your panda bear," he smiled and handed me the stuffed animal through the window.

"Thanks Mason."

"No problem Isabella, have a great night, and try not letting the backstabbing friends bite you."

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