C H A P T E R 51

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A new chapter. A new day. When you wake up every morning, instead of thinking the worse, think of it as another opportunity to change for the better.

The past is behind you;you can either accept that or you can hang onto every emotion from the day before. You've been given another chance to bring smiles to peoples faces and to spread love and joy. No matter how stressful the day before was, you don't have to make today as painful. It's a new start. A new beginning.

Believe it or not, I have two boxes standing by my bedroom door. One filled with photos and memorable items: photos, my journal, cards, ect. It was my "hope" box, my escape if I need to recap and calm down after an outburst. In the second box, I had my useful, but worthless junk: my electronics, money, some clothes to last me a couple of days, ect.

This brawl that I had with my mother, it won't last. I know that for a fact, but at the same time...leaving my house because of a stupid fight I had with my number one supporter. It's heartbreaking.

However, I cannot stay in an unhealthy environment, where I get yelled at for breathing. I understand my mother has had a though time but why does she need to yell and make her mood worse?

Caden's leaving in a week and by then, maybe common sense would come across her and notice how alone she is. Maybe our fight will come to an end and everything will be back to normal. But even I know that maybe is a big word.

Walking down the steps, I had already made one trip to put the boxes in my car and there was no sight of my mother, and here I am, making my second trip and still...no sight of her anywhere.

Her car is in the driveway like it is usually is, but even with my loud ruckus I was causing, not a peep from her room. Grabbing a piece of paper, I decided to write a note to her so when she hears the door slam shut, she'll come out and see what I have to say, even if she doesn't want to.

Dear mother,
      As you may or may have not heard, the front door shut, meaning I left. I don't know when I'm coming back or if I'll be welcomed with open arms when I finally visit, but I do know that, even though we had a fight, this is temporary. Nothing lasts forever, not even this. I am still your daughter and you're still my mother;we're just going through a hard time and yelling at each other is only making things worse. Caden will be leaving soon and I will be paying a visit to see him, whether you like it or not. We are a family and you can't shut out family. I will be back and we will figure thing out. No matter how hard we yell at each other, we will turn out just fine.

Love and patience, Isabella 

Placing the pen that was spilling the ink on the paper, I grabbed my purse and phone, and looked around the house once more. I don't know what I was searching for; maybe hope or some sort of sign that telling me that I'm making a massive mistake.

Whatever I was looking for, and couldn't find it so I left, leaving a part of me back in the house.

Caden's car was gone, he probably didn't want to be in the same place as mother and I, just in case things got bad again. Ever since father died, things have been fragile around us and I stomped on the glass that was holding us up, making everything just fall apart.

As soon I shut the door the night Caden told me he was leaving, I knew something felt wrong, but I those to ignore it. If this was the way Joe left when he left us, I understand why he couldn't look back because right now, if I look back I couldn't and wouldn't drive away.

I explained my situation to Luce yesterday night as I was packing my things; he agreed to let me stay in the guest room until I figure things out. She was skeptical at first, not knowing if she should let me walk away from my house, but after minutes of begging, she gave in, which I am grateful for.

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