C H A P T E R 57

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Jake and I stepped away from the party and out into the cold, night air. It was the same scene when Seamus came and talked to me around two that ni- No, Bella, stopping thinking of Seamus. Jake leaned over the wooden railing, inhaling then exhaling.

"I have one question, just one," I whispered, looking at him. His eyes didn't even bear to meet mine. "Why did you go back into that house let me drive away?" I asked, tears building up in my eyes. He still didn't look at me.

Silence filled the conversation since Jake didn't bother to respond.

"Why did you follow Payton back inside when you knew that you let your girlfriend drive away and think the worse," I repeated, this time his head so that his vision was focused on me.

"I don't know why I did what I did, all I know, is that I regret it," he mumbled.

"How am I suppose to believe you?" I replied, not letting a tear escape by eyes.

"I know that I hurt you and I understand where you're coming from," he agreed, tapping his foot, nervously.

"Then you know where I'm going with this conversation," I pressed my lips into a thin line before speaking. "We were obviously better as friends; we barely got into fights, we laughed together all the time,and we were able to joke around with each other without getting hurt. When you walked into that house, a part of me knew that it was over but I didn't want to admit it to myself," I explained.

"I understand completely," he sighed.

"I hope we can still be friends," I gave him a small smile.

"We'll talk later," he walked back into the house saying nothing more.

Letting out the breath I was holding during our conversation, I stared at the dark wood that was in the shadow of the house.

A part of me wants to find Jake, apologise and be our loving, but miserable couple again, but I know that what I did was for the best, even if the tears running down my cheeks display the incorrect emotion.

I know I disappointed my grandmother,but like Seamus, she'll understand, at least I hope she does.

"Hey, are you alright out there," a voice called from the glass door. Wiping my face, I turned around and saw a girls figure standing before me.

"Oh yeah, I'm all good," I assured and turn back around.

"It's quite peaceful out here," she started, stepping into the patio and taking the empty spot next to me. "I'm Meredith," she introduced, holding out a hand. Intrigued, I shook her hand then focused my attention on the backyard.

"Isabella, nice to meet you."

"Oh, you're the girl who's staying with the Drake's right?" She asked, her direct focus on me.

"Correct," I nodded.

"I've heard great things about you," she smiled.

"From who?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, Luce and I've talked and she mentioned you and well Seamus mentions your name multiple times," she answered.

"Oh cool," I responded. That comment made me smile. On the inside, of course.

"He's taken a liking of you, you know," she gushed, fixing her dress.

"I don't know, I think he likes you," I chuckled.

"I already have a boyfriend and there's no possible way that he likes me cause I made it quite clear to him that we're just friends," she reassured.

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