Chapter Two - The Rescue

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Keith pov

I was asleep when the coms turned on 

"Morning young Paladins. Rise and shine! Allura wants you all in he dinner hall please." I heared Coran's voice say. 

"Ugh" I groaned as I kicked the blanket off me and got up. I walked to the wall and grabbed my jacket and boots. I came into the dinner hall to see that Allura, Coran, Shiro, and Pidge were already there. I took my usual seat next to Pidge at the end of table. As usuall, she was on her computer.  I rubbed my tired eyes. Hunk and Lance came in plates and food goo. Lance took his seat to my left and Hunk next to him. As Shiro and Allura took their seats we began to eat. Well everyone except  Pidge. She just began typing on her laptop. She reached for her spoon, but missed and flung it across the table and it landed in Allura's bowl.  Allura looked at her with a glare. 

"Oh sorry Allura. Guess I'm still pretty tired." Pidge apologiesed and yawned. 

"It's fine. I can see you all are pretty tired." Allura said as she picked the spoon out of her bowl. I turned and saw Lance lean forward and face planted in his bowl. Everyone turned their attention to Lance with his face in his bowl. Hunk gripped his hair and pulled his head out of the bowl. Lance was snoring. 

"I rest my case." Alura said gesturing towards Lance. He then woke up and wiped the food goo off his face and yawned. 

"Sorry for waking you up this early, but I have a small mission for you. Last night the castle picked up a distress signal. As you know, the paladin code says that we must help all those in need." She said as Lance countinued wiping goo off his face. 

"So you couldn't wait five minutes to wake us." Lance said grumpily. 

"Lance!" Shiro glared at him.

"Sorry. I just didn't sleep well. I'm cranky okay." Lance said as he wiped the last bit of goo off his face and hair. 

"We can see that." I said as I countinued to eat.

"What's that supposed to mean mullet?" Lance asked me with a glare. I grimaced at that nickname. 

"Don't call me that." I shouted as I turned my head to him.

"Too bad mullet!" He said in my face. 

"Enough!!" Shiro yelled at us. "Princess, what about this distress signal."  He asked her.

"Oh yes. It is coming from a near by planet. But..." She started.

"But what?" Hunk asked.

"But the signal is coming from a galra escape pod, and we don't know if it's a trick or not." She explained.

"Princess, either way we have to check. What if it's an escaped Prisioner?" Hunk pointed out.

"I am very well aware of that. Which is why we need to come up with a plan." She said

"Well can it wait? I still need time to wake up." I said yawning.

"Of corse." Allura said getting up with her empty bowl.  I got up from my seat and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Lance asked me with a glare.

"To the training deck." I said returning the glare. I walked out and went to my room to get my bayward. I entered the training room and threw my jacket on the floor. I summoned my sword. "Start training level 5." I said. Two robots fell from the ceiling with electric staffs. I got ready as the first one charged at me. It rammed its staff at me, but I blocked it with my sword. The second came up behind me. It charged its staff at my back, but I jumped out of the way and the staff  rammed into the first robot. The first robot disappeared, but there was still the second. It charged at me and tried to ram the staff into my head. I blocked the blow with my sword, and kicked the robot's heel. The robot fell down and cut its head off, then it disappeared. 

"Paladins come to the control room (where Allura flues the castle) please. We have come up with a plan." I heared Alura's voice say through the coms. I grabbed my jacket and went to the control room. 

"So what's the plan?" Lance asked when everyone was there. 

"I'm going to fly the black lion into the plantet's atmosphere. If this is a trick Zarkom will for sure react as soon as he sees the black lion." Shiro began.

"You all will stand by and observe. If this is a trick and the galra try to take the black lion you all will engage with Shiro." Alura added. 

"If it's not a trick and there are no galra we all land and split up and search for the distress signal while Coran and Allura scan the planet." Shiro finished.

"Seems simple enough." Lance commented. 

"We are aprouching the planet." Coran said as he stopped the castle.

"Move in slowly Coran. Paladins Suit up and get to your lions." Allura ordered. I suited up and went to Red'a hanger. Red's field went down and she opened her mouth to let me in. I sat in the pilot seat and meet Hunk, Pidge, and Lance as we watched the black lion enter the atmosphere. No galra ships showed up. 'So far so good I guess.' I thought. 

"No ones coming. I'm going to land." Shiro said to us. We each landed and meet Shiro outside the lions. 

"We should be cautious." Pidge commented. 

"Yeah. Keep your guard up. Hunk and Pidge go left. Keith go right. Lance come with me. Search the area." Shiro ordered pointing in different directions. I went right to a duty path into the forest. The planet was filled with vegatation and wildlife. I kept to the path until  I came across a broken tree. The tree's trunk was bent and broken at the base, like it was hit. 'That's odd' I thought. I walked around the trunk and saw a path forces into he ground with debris covering it. 'A crash' I thought a followed the path down a hill to a galra escape pod. 'This must be it' I thought. I summoned my sword just in case this was a trick. I cautiously walked in, but what I saw left me frozen in place. This girl with long (h/c) hair with the top of her hair  white, in a shredded galra Prisioner outfit layed unconscious on the floor. I was stunned. 'She's beautiful' I thought. 

"Hey guys. I think I found that distress signal, and it's not a trick." I said into my helmet's communicator.

"What do you mean?" I heared Shiro ask me.

"Well I found I crashed galra escape pod with a distress signal going off, and there is this girl unconscious in it." I answered him.

"What? A girl! Is she cute?" Lance asked.

"Lance don't start." Pidge scolded him.

"Good work Keith. Shut off the distress signal and bring her to the castle." Shiro told me.

"Yes sir." I said. I walked over the control board and turned off the distress signal. I turned back to the girl. I noticed that both of her legs were replaced with robotic legs. Her long (h/c) with white at the top draped over her face. Her skin was as pale as a ghost. I picked her up in my arms bridal style. She was kinda heavy, which I blame on the robot legs. Her head and arms drapped over my arm. I propted her head so her neck would be straight. I carried her to Red and into Red's mouth. I held her in my arms and flew Red to the castle. She started to stir and her eyes opened. I stared into them. They were a beautiful (e/c) sparkling with gold flecks in the iris. She gasped and tried to get out of my arms, but was too weak. "Hey don't be scared. I'm here to help." I teassured her. She calmed down and her eyes closed. I entered the castle and put in a healing pod. 'Don't worry. We're here to help.' 

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