Chapter Nine - Olkarion (Part one)

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Eve's pov

That night I spent in Keith's room with him. I had that same dream from a couple nights ago. The burning of the castle, the screaming, the dragons, my aunt tossing my parents over the wall, and seeing my sister's face fade into the distance as my aunt toke me farther and farther away from my home. I had no idea if it was real, or just a dream. In the end, Keith ended on top of me, shaking me awake.

"It was just a dream." He reassured me.

"It didn't feel like it." I stated. My head lay on his chest. I could hear his haertbeat. It was calming.

"Just try and go back to sleep." He whispered into my ear. I feel asleep shortly after, dreaming a peaceful dream. It felt real too. I was much older than I am now. I was seated on bolder in the wilderness, wearing the colors of royalty, a purple dress embedded in gold. An older looking Keith sat next to me. Two small children ran around our feet. The boy had raven black hair, like Keith, but (e/c) eyes like me. The girl had long white hair like mine, and shining purple eyes, an exact replica of Keith's eyes.

"Mommy watch this!" The boy shouted at me.

"I'm watching!" I called back. He was standing on a fallen log. He grabbed an over head tree branch and swung from it to the ground. The girl joined him in the fun, Keith and I laughed at their silliness. The girl fell off the log at an atempt to copy her older brother. She screamed as she fell. She landed face down on the hard forest floor.

"Twilight!" Keith shouted. He shot up and ran over to her, me following close behind him. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm okay." She stated. She wrapped her arms around Keith and he picked her up.

"Take it easy okay." He brought her over to the rock we were sitting on.

"Yes daddy." She said.


Eve's pov

I woke up to hear Coran's voice on the coms.

"Good morning young Paladins! Rise and shine! Meet in the dinner hall for breakfast as soon as possible please." 

"Ugh, I hate this." Keith complained. He kicked the blanket off us. I shot up and rubbed my arms. I wasn't ready to leave the warmth of the blanket. 

 Keith picked up his shirt and pants off the floor and got dressed. He was in his boxers. He handed me my clothes and opened the bathroom door so I could dress myself out of my pjs. I came back out wearing a pastel (f/c) tank, white hoddie, and Black leggings. 'I swear does Allura have anything other than pastels' I thought.

We met the others in the dinner hall. We ate breakfast then went to pack some stuff. Allura explained to us that we were spending the day on Olkarion. Keith wanted to pack a bag for a hike. After, we all met outside the castle in the city of Olkarion. Ryner gave us a map of the forest to explore. With the maps, back packs, and our adventurous spirit, Keith and I headed away form the others and into the forest.

"This is exciting. I've never been on a hike, or an exploration before." I commented.

"Really, never?" Keith looked down at me.

"Well, I was a captive. Plus, my memory isn't very good from before that time." I said skipping down the forest path.

"Oh, yeah. Right." Keith looked down at the ground.

"You okay?" I questioned with concern.

"Yeah. Just, thinking. I remember when I did stuff like this on Earth. Did I tell you I'm an orphan?" 

"!" I exclaimed in shock.

"He, well I am. I would take walks out in the desert where I lived." Keith mentioned.

"I'm sorry to here that. I know what it's like to not have a family. But, the Paladins are kinda like your family now, huh?" I pointed out.

"And yours." Keith nudged me with his elbow.

We continued our walk. Talking about our lives before. He told me about the orphanage he was at, and other adventures with the Paladins, and the Earth desert place. I didn't have anything to tell him, so I just listened.

Eventually we came across that lake Allura mentioned. We spotted The Paladins and the Alteans there already. 

"Hey Keith! Her Eve!" Pidge called to us. She was wearing a green and orange one-peice swimsuit.

"Hey!" I ran over to her. I glanced at the others. Lance, Hunk, and Shiro were playing in the water. Allura was in a pink bikini getting a tan, not that she could. She was already dark skinned. Of course Lance kept eyeing her, and Shiro kept dunking him in the water.

Coran was sitting in the shade. Pidge ran over to me and gave me a huge hug.

"What were you doing with Kieth, hmmm?" She whispered in my ear. I stepped on her foot, making her cry in pain.

"Not. Another. Word." 

"Gonna swim, Eve?" Lance tossed me a swimsuit and gave me a smirk. I eyed it suspiciously. Keith and Allura were doing the same. Just as Keith was about to comment, Allura butted in.

"Oh hell na!! Lance did you raid my closet again?!" Allura walked over and snatched the purple bikini from my hand. She handed me a pastel (f/c) one-piece instead.

"Thanks." I said

"No prob." Allura went back to attempting to get a tan.

I walked away from the group and into a small hut and changed. I came out, causing everyone or turn their attention to me.


Keith's pov

Eve came out dressed in the swimsuit Allura gave her. It hugged her waist and fit her curves perfectly. I caught myself thinking dirty thoughts . I mentally slapped myself. 'No! Bad Keith! You're not a perv like Lance!' 

"Whoo! Eve you rockin that." Lance whistled. I was ready to walked over and drown him, but Hunk got there first.

"Knock it off." He said calmly as he slapped the back of Lance's head. He turned it me and gave me a thumbs up. 'What does that mean?' I thought.

(To be continued)


Hiya peeps. 

I know I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy, and I apologize. I meant to write the whole chapter in one part, but that would have been really long. So here is part one. 

Again, I apologize for that late update. 

Lidia out ✌️

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