Chapter Eight - The Music

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(A/n) here's the song in this chapter,but don't play it till it comes in the chapter.

Okay on with the story.


Eve's pov

I woke up with my head resting on Keith's chest and my hand on his abs. His arm was around my waist. I got up careful not to wake him,but I failed.

"Hmm, Eve?" He asked as he started to stir.

"No, go back to sleep Keith." I told him in a whisper.

"Too late for that." He said as he sat up and stretched. I sighed and crawled out of the bed. I grabbed his shirt off the ground, threw it at him, and opened the door.

"Please leave." I said in the nicest way possible.

"Why?" He asked gloomily.

"Well, we just slept together. I'm not sure about you, but I don't want the others to be aware of that just yet." I said annoyed.

"Ugh, fine." He put his shirt back on and got up out of the bed. He stopped at the door and kissed me on the forehead. "See ya at breakfast, beuatiful." He said and left. I smiled and closed the door behind him. 'We're dating. We're in love' I thought. I sighed dreamily. My stomache filled with butterflies. 'I've felt this feeling before, but where?' I thought. 'Another memory?' My mind raced back to my dream the night before last night. 'My parents, my sister, my aunt killed my parents and kidnapped me?' Was it real or was it just a dream? Suddenly I heared a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I asked. The person didn't answer, just barged right in. It was Pidge! She had a playful smirk on her face. 

"I just saw Keith walk out of YOUR room!" She exclaimed, wide eyed.

"Oh no! No,no,no! Don't even think about it!" I said pointing an accusing finger at her.

"What happened? Spill!" She commanded eagerly.

"Well.....I'm not gonna get out of this, am I?" I asked annoyed.

"Nope." She said as she sat on my bed.

"Ugh, okay fine! We're dating." I simply stated. Her eyes widened, but I stopped her before she could say anything. "You can't tell anyone! It's a secret, so shhhhhhh!" I said pressing my finger to my lips for emphasis.

"Did you guys........?" She started.

"No! What did I say?!" I yelled at her.

"Ugh, fine! But I WILL use this as blackmail. And I will find out!! You hear me?! I WILL!!" She screamed and stomped out. I sighed in annoyance. 'She's obsessed!' I thought. I went to the closet to find some clothes. I chose a pastel pink cat ear hoody, a navy blue dress that went down to my knees, black leggings, and a hot pink tie. I braided my white and (h/c) hair with pink hair ties. I looked in the bathroom mirror, and struck a pose.

(A/n) just pretend your hair and eyes are different colors. And you look older. Like say.......17)


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