Invisible Chains

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I’m trying… trying to quench my thirst for blood
My fingers are itching, my body stiffening and my heart beating hard
In anticipation for an act that once done can never be undone
I’m trying… suppressing myself even now
It just won’t go away
This thirst, this surge of excitement, this itchy urge
Just thinking about it makes my heart beat doki doki
Lub dub. Lub dub.
I feel so alive!
Blood throbbing wild within me
My eyes wide and glazed, shining with excitement and longing
I feel restless
I want to break these chains holding me back
Keeping me a prisoner of my own hunger and lust
Just ONE!
Just one very thin barrier to come through
Just one very thin line to cross
Just one nudge, just one bump, just one push
And ahhhhh… at last…

Sentiments of MadnessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon