A/N ok so i am really sorry that i haven't updated in ages i got my phone taken off me and I've been wondering. What to write about so if you have any ideas leave a comment please.
**ems pov**
I woke up fully with the light streaming in through the windows, i felt so week so helpless. u needed to feel this it would mess up eventually but i want it to be forever. I got up and saw myself in the mirror my clothes blood stained. I needed the pain. I needed it to remember it was real that it was my fault. That i should of died. That i am the fuck up in life.
I went and showered off not even bothering to take my clothes off just stepping into the shower. I cried. I cried knowing that it was me all me and that alex should be here with me.
I got ready and walked out of the house. I needed to be round people so i can escape myself. I need people round me but not so close that i hurt them. Never can i do this again, i will be alone I deserve to be alone.
Later in the day i decided to get my Aussie phone deciding on a blue iPhone 5c. Once i was out of the store i remembered about ashton. He wrote his number down on my arm. Well thats just great its cut a bit and mostly washed off. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I was hungry by now and so i strolled into the nearest KFC and guess who i saw there. In that very flattering uniform.
I know its crappy and just a filler but i will get some action soon