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After four quick knocks and a tense moment of waiting for a response, the bland, wooden door swung open before me. My principal, Mr Stanley, or just Stanley as the entire student body call him, smiled at my presence, me being his favourite student.
"(y/n), come in. Take a seat. Would you like a tea?" He let me walk past before closing the door behind me.
"No, Sir." I remained stood but placed my bag on my assigned seat.
"Is everything okay?" Stanley sat in his leather swivel chair and locked his hands, placing them on his desk.
"Gavin? He didn't show up this morning and we're meant to be starting a new topic of coursework. We can't do that without Gavin." I stressed to Stanley. He merely sighed and shook his head.
"Look, (y/n), Gavin had a lot of his own issues. He's taking some time out. A lot of time, actually. I'll send out the message regarding a new lecturer beginning on Tuesday. Your literature class can have study leave until then."
I stood speechless but grabbed my bag and stormed away. Time off was great, but the lack of a professional tutor wasn't as admirable.
"He better be good." I cut my eyes at Stanley.
"He's apparently one of the best. You'll love him." He smiled genuinely at me and gestured for me to leave. I did as instructed and headed for the exit.
My apartment wasn't too far away from campus. A short route on the Victoria Line and I was 'home-sweet-home', five minutes away from the Highbury and Islington station.
It was my home, this town, and it welcomed me through all the shit I dealt with during the day.
"(y/n), you're back early." Anna Gates, my neighbour and also my assistant principal approached me at my front steps. She had her Labrador by her side and gave me a sympathetic look.
"And I'll be back 'til Tuesday. Gavin left and some new literature tutor is on his way into town." I sighed, leaning against my doorframe.
"Well this is the first I've heard of it. If you need anything then tell me. Be it in school under professional circumstances or if you need a cuppa round mine. No matter what, you'll still accomplish great things." She made her way to her own front door and spoke over the fencing.
"Thank you, Anna. I'll see you around. Have a nice evening." I faked my positive attitude before letting myself into my home; accompanied with a heavy sigh and a stern glare at myself in the mirror.
So new challenges were apparently coming my way...

{home - }

{home - }

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