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"Supportive friend?" Dan looked at me, sarcastically annoyed at my comment from the hospital.
"I've apologised." I held my hands up but giggled, knowing he was playing.
"Supportive friend!?" He raised his voice and added a high pitch tone to it. I laughed along but admired his expression shifting from 'serious' to his usual softness. After looking away from me, Dan's eyes fixed on the road as he drove at quite a high speed.
It became silent in the car but it was comfortable and kind of well-timed. Our peace was necessary and beautiful that we could share it with each other. I felt like I belonged next to Dan, like we were meant to fall into each other's company.
He pulled up on his driveway and turned the ignition off. A deep chuckle escaped Dan and he pushed his door open.
"What was that?" I got out too and looked at him over the roof.
"Supportive friend."
"Are you trying to tell me you're not a supportive friend?" I picked my bag up from the footwell and closed the door. Joining Dan in front of the car, we took a moment to appreciate the moment we were in.
Us, alone, in the quiet night. It seemed so surreal but so right. I never expected myself stood with someone hat I had a genuine emotion completely devoted to. That was until I found him. Daniel.
"Would a friend do this?"
"Do what?"
Dan's face came closer to mine. My hand laid in Dan's and he intertwined his fingers with mine. I closed my eyes and our lips were pressed against each other's. This kiss was completely different to the last. It was softer, gentler, more genuine. I could feel his smile twitching, as if he was fighting it.
Dan's lips let go of mine and my eyes very, very slowly opened. He was looking down at me with a slight smirk on his face.
"Come on then."
I kept a hold of Dan's hand as we walked up the stairs and towards his apartment. The ache of the climb wasn't as painful when I had Dan with me. It was more bearable, just like everything else in life.
"Fancy a pizza?"
"Oh, Daniel Howell, you do know how to get a woman going." I sat on his sofa and folded my legs underneath me. Pretending to be flustered and almost aroused, Dan picked up on my sarcasm and gave me the 'you're hilarious' look. 
"Is that a yes?" He bent over the back of the sofa and faced me, resting his head upside-down on a cushion.
"It is."
"And a yes to you paying?"
"Such a gentleman." I rolled my eyes, placed a hand on the back of his head and rubbed in his hair.
"Of course I'll pay." I assured him and handed him his house phone to make the order. He sat on the end of the sofa but patted his lap for my feet to rest on him.

This was the exact life I'd signed up for, one I was more than willing to live.

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