Chapter 2

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       My conversation with Harry convinced me to tell Lou I would come. So I sent him a text.

To: Louis Tomlinson 02/3/11 03:02 pm.

Hey Lou! Is the movie night offer still open?(;

I hope I didn't wait too long to text him. I saw my phone screan light up on my bed. I was anxious to see what he said, but I was a bit nervous. After a minute or so of pacing back and forth in my bedroom, I finally decided to open the text.

From: Louis Tomlinson 02/3/11 03:05 pm.

Of course it is babe! Don't forget you pjs! x (:

Thank God! I replied to his text, and then decided to take a nap.

To: Louis Tomlinson 02/3/11 03:06 pm.

Okay love! I'll be there around 9! (: Xx

I woke up at 8:30. It gave me just enough time to get ready before my movie night with Lou. I started by picking out some pajamas. I ended up choosing my red and gree plaid flannel pajama bottoms and my navy blue Abercrombie sweatshirt. I decided to wash off makeup. He's seen me without makeup many times before, and besides I was probably going to end up sleeping over anyways. That's usually how our movie nights ended, with us falling alseep in a pile of blankets and pillows in the living room. I threw my hair up into a messy bun, put on my uggs and looked at the clock. It was 8:58, so I headedto Louis' flat.

I knocked on the door, waiting for Lou to let me in. I heard footsteps approaching the door.

"Who is it?!" Louis said in an excited tone.

"It's me!" I said, even though he already knew who it was.

"Who's 'me' ?" he said in a sarcastic voice. I laughed a little before answering.

"It's Nicole!"

"Oh, Nicole! Well why didn't you just say so?!" he said as he opened the door.

My stomach dropped when I saw his smiling face staring at me. I stepped inside, and Louis pulled me into his arms. The same urges I got earlier today, were flooding my mind once again. It took all I had not to kiss him right then and there. He released me and I stepped back.

"I'm really happy you came Nicki! We haven't done this in forever!" I barely heard what he said, all I could think about were these feelings for him. I wanted to know how he felt about me. I replied as best as I could.

" too." the lack of enthusiasm in my voice even shocked me. I could tell he was a little shocked too, but he took my hand and dragged me to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry babe?" I was starving, I slept through lunch.

"I'm starved!"

"Good! Because I made your favourite!" he got out two plates, two forks, and two cups.

"You made spegehtti and meatballs?! Yay! You're the best Tommo." I gave him a cheeky smile and helpd him get the food.

"I know I am, no need to tell me." Now he was just being plain cocky, but I didn't mind at all. Once we had gotten our plates together, we sat down at the table and began to eat.

"How do you manage to look this beautiful in your pjs this late at night? You're makin' me look bad over here!" He said I was beautiful. These words only made the butterflies in my stomach become stronger. I was blushing and smiling like an idiot.

" Babe you never look bad!" He smiled and winked at me.

We finished with dinner, and it was time to clean up. I was at the sink washing the dishes, when I felt hands around my waist. It startled me, and I quickly turned around accidently splashing Lou in the face with water.

"Oh no you didn't!" he said in a girly voice. He then proceeded to take some soapy water and splash me right back. This little water fight continued for another 5 minutes, until we both ended up soaked, lying on the kitchen floor clutching our sides from laughing so hard. I haven't laughed that hard in forever. It really did feel like old times.

Since we were both drenched in soap and water, we had to change and get washed up before we started the movie. He handed me a change of clothes, and I headed off to the bathroom to change. I slipped into what he gave me, a pair of his baggy boxer shorts, and an oversized Jack Wills t-shirt i'm guessing he borrowed from Harry. I rinsed the soap out of my hair and pull it into a side braid. I walked back into the kitchen where I saw Lou standing, making some Yorkshire tea for the two of us. He looked gorgeous. He changed into some plaid pajama bottoms, but he kept his shirt off. He turned around to see me, but all I could stare at was his mini six-pack. I never noticed how fit he was. He broke the silence.

"Even Harry doesn't look that good in that t-shirt!" he winked at me, and I nearly fainted. He was making me go weak at the knees. I couldn't bring myself to reply, all I did was stand there and giggle.

Louis got the popcorn and sweets, and I got the blankets and pillows and we met in the living room. We spread the blankets out infront of the T.V. and put a few pillows down as well. Now it was time to decide what move we were going to watch.

"What are you in the mood for? Comedy, horror, romace?" I thought about it before I answered.

"Ummm...romance! Definitely romance!" I said with confidence, hoping he would agree with me. Sure enough he did!

"Okay, sounds good to me! How about P.S. I Love You?" I absolutely LOVE that movie. He knows me so well! But there are a few parts in the movie that make me cry, especially the end! And I hate crying infront of Lou.

"Yeah, I love that movie!" I guess I'll just try not to cry when those parts come up. He put the movie in and turned off the lights. I sat down, draping myself with one of the blankets. Louis sat down right next to me. Before I got too comfortable, Lou pulled me close to him and I laid my head on his chest. He put a blanket on the both of us and wrapped his arms around me. I had never been so comfortable in my life. I felt so safe in that nothing bad could happen to me. It was like a dream.

The end of the movie came, and sure enough I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Not beng able to control it, I started crying harder. Once Louis realized that I was crying, he rested his finger under my chin and gently lifted it up so we were face to face.

"Please, please don't cry love. It kills me to see you cry." he softly wiped away a tear that was trickling down my cheek. Before I even knew what was happening, I could feel his lips pressed against mine. It was a soft kiss. It was perfect, like our lips were made for each other. I pulled away, he looked me in the eyes. Was this really happening? Two seconds ago we were watching a movie, and now we were...kissing? I wanted this. I wanted this so badly...but did he?

He pulled me even closer, and slowly our lips met again. They moved in synchronization as the kiss got more and more passionate. He layed me down without our lips parting. He slowly pulled my shirt over my head. He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear, and leaned in for another kiss. With every kiss and every touch, I was slowly but surely falling even more in love with my best friend. This scared me to death, but I couldn't think about that right now, I put those thoughts aside. He picked me up, kissing my neck as he walked us into his bedroom. He layed me down gently on his bed. He kissed my lips. Then kisses moved to my neck, down to my hips, reaching dangerous territory. This gave me chills, I selfconsiously let out a moan. The kisses slowly moved back up my body, until our lips met once again.

This felt right to me, but I had no idea what was going through his mind. When we were done, I fell aleep in his arms.


Hi guys! I hope you loved this chapter! Lou and Nicole are a cute couple don't ya think? But will things stay this way...? You'll find out in the next chapter! Please REVIEW! leave comments suggesting ideas, telling me what you think of it so far, and your opinions of where you want their relationship to go. (: xx

Moments Like This (Louis Tomlinson FanFic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now