Chapter 13

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Nicole's POV

"There's not really an easy way to say this, but I'm pregnant." I stayed as calm as I could. There was now an unreadable expression on Jay's face. She just sat there silent. It looked as if she was deep in thought. Louis looked at me and then back at his mum.

"Mum...please say something?" Lou said, breaking the silence. Still she said nothing. I was getting extremely nervous at this point. I needed to know what she thought. "Mrs. Tomlinson, do you hate me? I'm really sorry, I swear we didn't mean for this to happen." I said desperately trying to get her to speak. Her expression faded into a weak smile. "Don't be silly honey, I could never hate you. You're like another daughter to me. I'm just a bit surprised is all. I never thought my first baby would be having a baby of his own this soon." she paused taking a deep breath, I could tell she was trying her best to hold back tears. "I'm happy for you both. Come here." she finished, motioning for us to go over to her. She embraced us both. That went well, now I can calm down a little.

"Girls, come here, Louis and Nicki have some exciting news to tell you!" Jay called the girls into the kitchen. I wasn't really planning on telling them quite yet, but I have no choice now. The four girls filed into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. Phoebe was sat on Jay's lap, while Daisy was on Lottie's lap. Lou and I stood facing all of them.

"Girls, I'm having a baby." I said confidently this time, putting a smile on my face. All four of their faces lit up in excitement. "Really?!" Lottie squealed, we nodded. "Is it a boy or a girl??" Fizzy asked with excitement in her voice. "We're not sure yet, we'll be finding out soon though!" I said through a wide grin. "Are you guys getting married?!" asked Phoebe, staring at us with wide eyes. All I could do was smile, she's too cute. I was about to answer her question with a simple 'no', but I was cut off by Louis. "Someday. Maybe after the baby is born." he replied with a smile tugging at his lips. All of them, including Jay, let out more squeals along with a few 'awwws'. I was speechless. Did he really mean that? Does he truly love me that much? I was ripped away from these thoughs, when I felt a tugging at the sleeve of my shirt. I looked down to see it was Daisy trying to get my attention. "Can you and Louis watch a movie with us?" she asked pleadingly. "We'd love to." I said with a smile lighting up my face, as I gave her a piggy back ride to the living room. We decided on watching Finding Nemo. Daisy ended up falling asleep on my lap half way through the movie, and not long after Phoebe fell asleep on Louis. Once the movie finally came to an end, Louis and I carried the twins to their rooms and tucked them in. When we closed their door quietly, we headed into Lou's room.

I got into my white pajama bottoms that had little green four leaf clovers all over them. I then slid an old N'SYNC t-shirt over my head. Yes, I said N'SYNC. I was obsessed with them when I was younger, and Louis forever made fun of me for it. I fancied Justin Timberlake quite a bit. I tied my hair up into a messy bun, and then descended into the bathroom. I took my makeup off, and there it was, right on time. I collapsed down next to the toilet, and started throwing up. I was so sick of getting sick! Louis, who was calm this time, entered the bathroom and held my hair back for me as I finished up. When I finally stopped, Lou handed me my toothbrush, which was already covered with a thin line of Colegate toothpaste. I brushed the heck out of my mouth, making sure I rid any residue of puke left in my mouth. After 2 minutes of vigorous toothbrushing, I spit into the sink, and rinsed my mouth out with cold water.

"There we go lovely, all better?" He asked, I nodded. He softly pressed his lips on mine, taking me by surprise. I was not expecting that, does he not realize that I was just puking? I guess the shock was evident on my face because Lou spoke again. "What's wrong?" he asked with confusion lingering in his voice. "You kissed me? Do you not remember that I was just puking my guts out 5 minutes ago?" I asked with a little bit of shock hanging off of the end of my sentence. He laughed before he spoke again. "Yes I do remember you throwing up, and I don't care. I love you." he said leaning in and placing his soft pink lips on mine in another short kiss. "I love you too." I said meaning it. Kissing me would be the last thing any other boy would want to do after I just threw up, but that's the first thing Lou wanted to do. He's definetly a keeper. We exited the bathroom and got into his bed. I got under the covers, and looked over at my best friend. Phoebe's question from earlier came flooding back into my mind along with Louis' answer to it. 'Are you guys getting married?!' 'Someday. Maybe after the baby is born.' I want to know if he means it. The only way I'm going to find out, is if I ask him myself. I took a deep breath, and started talking. "Lou, remember earlier when Phoebe asked if we were getting married?" I asked curiously. He grinned at my question before nodding. "Did you mean what you said when you answered her?" I asked eagerly. He was now intensely looking into my eyes. "Yes, I really did. I love you Nicole. I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone other than you. And I know that we're a bit young right now, so maybe after the baby is here, and if you're feeling up to it, we could get married.." He said in the most serious tone of voice I've ever heard him use. My eyes lit up with joy. "Are you being serious?!" I asked, not hiding the shock and excitement in my voice. He nodded, and then kissed me on the lips, as he slid on top of me. I knew where this was headed, he's been in a really touchy-feely-horny type of mood this past week. I pulled away unwillingly. "Lou, we are not doing this while we're here. You're little sisters are right next door." I said in a stern voice. He frowned a little, but he knew I was serious. He kissed me one last time and then rolled off of me.

"Goodnight babe I love you." He said pulling me into his grasp. I cuddled into him. "Goodnight, I love you too." I replied before falling into a deep dreamless sleep.


I woke up to three bodies jumping on my bed. My eyes opened and I saw Louis, Phoebe, and Daisy jumping on my bed trying to wake me up. "I'm awake, I'm awake." I said giggling. They stopped jumping and started laughing as well. "Louis told us to come in here and jump on you!" they both said between their giggles. Louis gasped and faked a hurt look. "I told them to do no such thing!" he said looking at me and then back at the twins. "I don't believe that." I said with a smirk on my face. "I am hurt that my own girlfriend believes my sisters over me." he said fake sobbing. "Aww, come here." I said gesturing for him to come over to me. He came into my arms, and fake cried into my chest. "All better now?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. "Yes, but now I'm hungry!" he fake sniffled, now poutting. "Well then lets go make some breakfast, how does chocolate chip pancakes sound girls?" I asked looking at the two little girls in front of me. "Yes please!" they chorused, already running down the stairs. When they were out of sight, Lou leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I've been waiting to do that all morning." he said, causing me to blush a little. We both got up and made our way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I saw the clock read 8:36.

"Is your mum still asleep?" I asked Lou as he got out the things we needed to cook breakfast. He nodded. "Well then let's make this breakfast bigger, and I'll serve her breakfast in bed. I still feel guilty about this...and I want to make it up to her." I said looking at him with puppy dog eyes. "I think that's a lovely idea. But there is nothing to be guilty about." he said reassurring me and kissing my temple.

After about an hour the cooking was done. We made eggs, chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, sausage, and toast. I put a little bit of everything on a plate and placed the plate on a tray. I poured some Yorkshire tea into Jay's favourite blue flower mug, and set that on the tray as well. I walked upstairs with the tray carefully in my grasp, and knocked on the door. "Come in love." she said in a soft voice. I entered the room and her face lit up. "Me and Lou made breakfast. It's sort of an apology breakfast.." I said handing her the tray. Her smile turned into confusion. "What are you apologizing for sweetheart?" she asked curiously. "For the baby...we really didn't mean for this to happen. It was a shock to both of us too and I just feel really guil-" I was cut off by Jay. "Sweetie, you don't need to feel guilty about anything. I know you guys didn't plan this. It's alright, I'm not angry with you." she said pulling me into a hug. I smiled and released a sigh of relief. "Have you told your mother yet?" she asked me, and my smile turned into a frown. Shit! I knew there was someone else we had to tell about this. "Oh my goodness no! I completely forgot! Are they home? I'll walk over there right now and tell them." I said getting up, but Jay stopped me. "Nicki they're on a holiday, they said they were coming back tomorrow. We can have them over tomorrow night for tea and you can tell them then, does that sound alright?" she asked me with a smile on her face. My parents went on a holiday? Wow they didn't even tell me, I feel loved. Please note my sarcasm. I put a smile on my face and nodded, before leaving the room.

I entered the kitchen and saw Louis eating his breakfast and reading a magazine. He looked up at me and smiled. "What did she say?" he asked. "She said she wasn't mad at us, and that she knows we didn't plan for this to happen. And that I have nothing to feel guilty about." I finished and his smile got bigger. "See love, I told you she wasn't angry." he said kissing my cheek. "She asked me if I told my parents yet. How could I forget about my parents Lou?" I asked in confusion. "I was sort of wondering when we were going to have to do that.." he chuckled. "You're mum said they're on a holiday, but they're coming back tomorrow, and she wants to have them over for dinner. So I guess we'll have to do it then." I sighed leaning my head on Louis' shoulder. "It'll be alright Nicole." he reassurred me, rubbing my arm for comfort. And just when I thought my worrying was over, it comes back to haunt me. Hopefully they'll take it well.


And another cliffhanger! sort of...hahaha :). Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter, I know it was kind of short and boring...and crappy. I apologize! I promise the next one will be better :). Comment/vote/fan please and thank you.xx

Moments Like This (Louis Tomlinson FanFic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now