Chapter 27

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Nicole's POV

2am and I am awoken by the slamming sound of the front door. My heart is racing, until I turn to the empty space next to me and realize it’s Louis who caused that noise. I slid out of the covers and ran into the kitchen to see Louis stumbling around. Harry came in almost right after me, with a guitar in his hands. I want to laugh at his choice of ‘weaponry’ but I’m too angry. Angry that Lou went out and got drunk. That he left without as much as a goodbye.

“Lou, where the hell have you been?!” I shouted, not caring how loud I was being.

“I was o-out with Ed. Why the f-fuck does it matter t-to you!” he slurred his words, cutting me like a knife with his nasty tone. He’s NEVER ever spoken to me like this. I was a little too shocked to reply. I felt tears welling up, and I couldn’t help but think of how pathetic I must seem right now.

“Dude! What the hell is wrong with you? She was worried sick! The day you guys come home from the hospital, and you just leave without telling her where you’re going?! Think of how you would feel if she had done that to you!” Harry snapped in an equally venomous tone. The tears were now falling from my eyes, and there was nothing I could do about it. I just stood there, weak, and crying while I let Harry fight my own battle.

“I have other f-friends other than you guys! I can do whatever I-I want to! She doesn’t o-own me!” Louis hissed right back. I know this is probably just the alcohol talking, but I can’t help but take it to heart. I truly couldn’t believe what he was saying.

“I can’t even believe you right now. Drinking isn’t going to solve anything Lou. It’ll just make it worse.” Harry replied, calming his tone. He was more disappointed now than he was angry. And me? I don’t know what I was. I was sad, heartbroken, scared, angry, depressed, disappointed, worried. Anything and everything along those lines is what I was feeling.

“Oh shut up, I’m an adult I think I know how t-take care of myself. So back the hell o-off and stay out of this h-harry!” Louis yelled, moving closer to Harry, fists clenched in anger. I couldn’t watch this. I couldn’t watch them hurt each other, especially knowing that I was the cause.

“You’re not the only one who lost her, ya know!” I shouted, now sobbing in anger. I ran out of the kitchen, and straight out the front door. I ran through the streets of London, not knowing where to go. But all I knew was anywhere was better than in there. It was raining, and in all the commotion I didn’t grab my jacket, or shoes for that matter. The wet pavement was like ice under my bare feet, and I was breathing heavy now.

I was now in familiar territory, and I ran straight to the place I know I could go; Niall’s flat. I banged on the door, not bothering with the doorbell. After a minute of banging and no answer, I gave up. I slid myself down the door, collapsing on the porch. I cried into my knees. What am I going to do?

Just then I heard the door open behind me, I jerked my head around to see a very tired, still half-asleep Irish boy. His eyes widened with worry when he saw me.

“Nicole? What the hell are you doing out at this time of the morning?! Are you okay?? Oh gosh, you’re soaked, you must be freezin’ come here.” he helped me up off the cold wet porch, and huddled his arms around me. He brought me inside, and sat me down at the table. He disappeared into the bathroom, and re-appeared seconds later with a towel in his hands. He wrapped it around me, rubbing my shoulders lightly, warming me up.

“Warmer now?” he asked, I nodded in response. He wandered over to the cabinets and pulled out two mugs, and started up the kettle.

“Mind telling me what’s going on?” he questioned, pouring the steaming water into the mugs and dropping tea bags into both.

“It’s a long story.” I mumbled quietly. He walked over placing the hot brew in front me, and sat down.

“I’ve got time. Now tell me, cause I’d like to know if Louis is going to come barging in and beat up for you being here.” He joked, trying to lighten the moody atmosphere I was giving off. I let a weak half smile appear on my lips, only to disappear moments later. I poured my heart out to Niall. Telling him everything from how I felt about the miscarriage, to what just happened earlier.

“What am I going to do Nialler?" I asked, looking at him as if he would have the answers to all of my problems.

“You’re going to go back there in the morning, and tell him that you will not stand for behavior like this. That he’s not the only one who lost a child, and that drinking won’t heal the pain it caused. And take it from there. You’ll have Harry there to back you up, and I’ll be just a phone call away. Everything will work out.” He said, pulling me into a hug. If only his words could’ve been true..


 A/N: Hello lovebugs, I know this chapter kinda sucked…sorry :(! But oooooo more drama and cliffhangers! Don’t you just love it when I do that?! Haha :) I’m thinking about possibly entering this story in the Watty Awards, but I’m not sure if I should or not, what do you think? Is it worth it? Please let me know! Comment/vote/fan ! There very well might be a few more updates on this story for you tonight, if I get the chapters all written in time! Love you guys. xx

Moments Like This (Louis Tomlinson FanFic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now