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Some years ago,
In a land, far away,
Where the summers are bright
And the winters are grey,
There once was a village
No stranger did know,
Full of farmers, wo all hoped
It'd always stay so.

In this village there once lived
A girl and a boy,
Growing together
In there home filled with joy.
He brought her flowers,
Whenever she cried.
When the boys beat him up,
She was at his side,
When the thunder roard at night,
They used to leave on the light
To give the other one a sign,
Let them know, everything was fine
He brought her dolls to bed
And sung them a dream,
She was the wild princess
In his canons thick steam.
They were the king and his bride,
Next day Bonnie and Clyde,
They hunted cherries like gold,
Curious, what adventures the world might still hold,
For the earth looked so big
And the way was all free
From their place in the house in the tree.

Then, one rainy sunday,
He sat all alone,
Watching her leave,
On their orange-box throne.
The car faded in clouds,
As it started to flee
The inprisoning village
With the house in the tree.

Time did pass by,
She stayed strong, he stayed shy,
From childhood to youth
And then nearly adult
He joined the army
She a peaceloving cult.
Slowly forgetting the "we"
And the house in the tree.

He learned, how to fight
She learned, how to write
The Government didn't adore
Her poetic letters, the words filled with love
And sure it's political core.

One Monday in June,
A bird must have sung.
Tanks rolled down the streets,
Filled with old and with young.
The people held pictures
Of their peaceful idea
The soldiers in Armor did answer with fear.
The Thunder did roar,
Turned the day into night.
Suddenly he thought,
he had seen a light.
Right in the dust and right his way
Stood a young woman
And her eyes did say:
"Remember me? I know, who you are."
And her thoughts did fly back,
To a village, so far.
Tears ran down her cheek,
For she did know her end,
But in a desperat try,
She reached out her hand
To the boy, she had loved,
Like only five - year olds can.
He pulled out his weapon,
Hesitated again -
Thunder roars through the steam
Like a young girls last scream
And her blood glows red
Inside his head
The Commander did yell,
But all he could see
Was the long rotten house in a tree.


Ich bin nicht besonders gut in Englisch... wahrscheinlich ist das hier voller Fehler, aber ich wollte es mal ausprobieren....

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