The Bottle

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     "All of you, up to bed now! When you wake up, come to my office immediately. Detention for a month for all of you!"

     "But, Professor, was that a dementor or a Death Eater?"

     "I am not sure. But go up to your dormitory, all of you. Go!"

      When Nicole woke up, Octavia and Raven were still nowhere insight. Again, she heard a faint meow. She turned to see a cute kitten standing in the corner of her room. Confused, she tried to remember last night. Most of it was just a blur. She remembered the speech made about her, something about Malfoy, Monica freaking out, and a dark figure. Ok, maybe she remembered most of it. But she would rather remember none of it. As she was envisioning the kitten standing in the middle of the rain, a huge migraine overpowered her. She let out a yelp of pain as she stood up from the bed. She tapped the kitten on the head.

     "Now, for a name..."

     The kitten meowed. As if planned, the owl went insane. She tried to calm him down, but it just bounced against the wall of the cage. Nicole could not control the energy of the owl. She froze as an owl named after a board game flew around the dormitories.

     "Somebody catch it!"

     She only then noticed that nobody was in the dormitory. Classes had started. She frantically tried to find the fastest way to get the owl and make it to classes. She jumped on beds, bounced off walls, and practically tore down the entire dorm. By the time she managed to get the owl, she was afraid to see the clock. How many classes has she missed? Sadly, in the middle of two windows, there hung a gigantic clock. She slowly turned her head to see the time. It was almost time for lunch, she could just make it to Herbology.

    She ran out of the doors, where she was blocked by two sad, angry faces. Octavia and Raven.

    "What the... Octavia, Raven? Why aren't you in classes? Why do you look so... like a zombie?"

    Before Nicole could attempt to understand the situation she was in, they grabbed her arms and trapped her.

     "What are you guys doing?! Stop! Let go!"

    Nicole took a glance at Raven. Then, Raven let go.

     "Ah thank you... wait, what?!"

     As soon as Raven let go, Octavia gave a small, evil smirk. It was a smirk Nicole had never seen Octavia use. She grabbed Nicole by the throat and watched her choke. Just the other day, Octavia experienced this same feeling, but with the Death Eaters.

    "Wait! No, you can't be..."

     Nicole looked into Octavia's eyes, hard. She stared angrily. This week she has gone through crap, and nobody knows why. She is being tortured, and they can't do anything. Her eyes were red.

     In a moment, Octavia was gone. Nicole fell to the ground. She looked around the room. Nowhere in sight was Octavia or Raven. Nicole ran to McGonagall.

     "Ah, Miss Kings, I have been waiting for you. Please sit."

     Nicole obeyed. The door opened behind her. As she turned, the two Dusk family members entered. Nicole held her wand. She ran toward Octavia and plastered her against the wall. She pointed her wand across Octavia's neck.

     "WHY?!" Nicole screamed.

     "W- w- what?" Octavia coughed.

     "Nicole!" McGonagall reprimanded.

     "Why did you attack me in the common room?"

     "What are you talking *cough* about? I was- I was just there looking for you! But *cough* you were rushing out the door!"

     Nicole slowly took her hand away form Octavia. Professor McGonagall ushered her to her seat. Nicole sat in a big, red velvet chair in front of McGonagall's desk. The other two sat in smaller chairs made of leather. The room was tense. Nicole just choked her best friend. Voldemort is after her. She could die any second. These could be her last breaths.

     Sun blasted through the clear window behind her desk.

     "Professor, I uh, I heard you talking yesterday. I'm sorry, it's just, I don't know what is going on about my life. Any information would help, so I couldn't resist hearing what you had to say. I... I am sorry."

     "It is ok. But, this is why I called for you. We need to talk. Voldemort has this strange... hatred toward your mother. Do you know why? Because we feel he is not after you, but after your mother. Sorry to hear about what happened to her."

     Octavia looked at Nicole.

     "What do you mean?" Octavia asked.

     "My parents were driven insane by Voldemort."

     Octavia look shocked and upset. But the conversation went on.

     "Do you know anything that your mother said that might help us in this? Anything about Voldemort?"


     "Really, nothing?"

     "No. Nothing."

     "Oh, well, Miss Kings, that is interesting... I, uh, I'm surprised. Well, all we know, is that you were not originally with magic powers. You suddenly just, popped up with magic. Do you know anything that has to do with this?"

     She did. However, she did not want to tell them anyway. Despite this, she heard herself speak the truth.

     "I, um. Haha, this is going to sound weird, but my mother gave me this one potion thingy. And I drank it. Then my letter came."

     As if by command, Professor McGonagal jumped.

     "Oh my. It appears you just gave us some extremely valuable information. Nicole, your mother went to Hogwarts, but she lost her magic.Voldemort must have something to do with this... Now, are you sure that your mother did not say anything else to you about this?"

     "Uh, no."

     "Ok, then return to class. All of you. I need to call the Ministry."

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