The Family

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     Octavia never told her she had such a nice family. There was, of course, Raven, and two older brothers who looked like twins. They were three years apart and named Nathan and Mason. They both had dark hair, like Raven. Mason was very funny, and would crack a joke all the time. Nathan was a lot like Raven. Mysterious, always reading, and didn't talk that much. Although the boys were vastly different, they were also alike. They often spoke at the same time, and talked about the same thing. They would argue all the time, and when they did, Nicole could not tell the difference between the two. Then there was Misty. The older sister, who moved to Britain almost four years ago, with her husband, Evan. Nicole only saw a picture of Misty. She had dirty blond hair, and was laughing with Evan. She was very pretty. Nicole expected her to be a model, but she was a librarian who currently quite her job. Evan was handsome. He had brown hair, which he curled back in the front. Evan was a wizard, like Misty, but he had a job in the muggle world. He was a real estate agent, but they lived in a very rundown part of Britain. Because Misty quite her job, he also works as a waiter in Hogsmeade, however Nicole never saw him there when she went.

     Her parents were, interesting. Her mother was constantly yelling at Mason when he would joke around, and their father wrote for the wizard newspaper, so he was always writing on a notepad and had a pen in his hand. They were a close family, other than their parents. Octavia's mom and dad were never around their kids, so Mason, Nathan, Octavia, and Raven were always in the same room as each other. They would talk or play games. Their favorite thing to do, was put on a puppet show with little clear puppets that looked like a patronus. They controlled and made them with their wands, and they would put on little "episodes" with them. Misty would always want to play an animal, but Octavia told Nicole that she played a really good mother character. So they would beg her to be a mom while they played family. Now that Misty was gone, and rarely got time to visit, somebody would always have to be playing two parts. They would voice their own characters, and it was really fun to sit and see. Nathan most of the time didn't want to be a character, so he would make props with his wand.

     Nicole didn't want to make a character. She wasn't very good with her wand, so she was afraid she would mess the whole thing up. Nia and Mark, however, were very eager to join the cast. The two have never acted before, so Octavia was very eager to see how this turned out.

     Their voices were high pitched and squeaky, They played two little kids, that were neighbors. The room was dark, so you could see the puppets clearly, but Nicole wanted the room to be bright. She wanted to memorize the room. She wanted to have a clear image of the house. But most of all, Nicole wanted to see the woods. She excused herself really quickly, and said she just wanted to go outside and get some fresh air after laughing so hard at her siblings.

     She made her wand light up, and headed for the back door. When she got out, the woods were darker than inside. She wanted so badly to go in, and get lost between the trees, but she didn't want to be too long. She then went to see the front of the house.

     It was just as she remembered it being. She remembered watching her parents unload the boxes. She remembered looking at the house, so excited to live there. She imagined her parents still living in the house. Then she ran back inside.

     They were still rehearsing their play. She completely interrupted them and screamed.

     "My parents must have been the past owners! You have to find out where they are! I need to see them one more time."

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