Fuck My Life

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I let out a yelp as I scored the last and winning goal of the game, we had win the whole season.

My teammates ran into me, shouting my name, accompained with the cheerful crowd of the afternoon.

As my teammates decided that it was enough, my coach congratulated me and cheerfully announced that today we all should go to a pub to celebrate our winning season.

Niall, my co-captain and bestfriend, gathered all our teammates in the locker's room.

"I would like to start, with a congratulations to all single one of you for making this season the best season yet, we won 5 games in a row, and i'm pretty damn pumped about that, you are more than my teammates, I consider y'all like my brothers." I said, I could hear niall almost tearing up besides me.

"HOW IT GOES?" some kid screamed from the back of the room.

"AIN'T NOBODY MESSING WITH MY," I yelled at the top of my lungs, lifting my hands in the air.

"CLIQUE, CLIQUE, CLIQUE" my teamates shouted after me, with their husky and deep voices.


"CLIQUE, CLIQUE, CLIQUE" They shouted after me.

We all put our hands in the middle of the circle, and counted, 1,2,3.

In that moment I forgot a little about the curly haired lad, but I quickly remembered at the thought.

I sighed.

All my teamates were already on their way to the pub. I was the last one to get into the showers as I had to check some paperwork with the coach.

I felt the warm water running through my body, making my muscles relax from the match earlier.

Until I heard shuffling, people entering the locker's room. I decided to ignore it, they were some lame ass boys talking about what would they play first halo or fifa when they arrived home. I let out a soft chuckle.

When I finished, I hoped out of the showers, a towel wrapped around my lower body, I starterd humming a random song when I stop right in my tracks.

How could I forget that voice that takes over my worst nightmares and best wet dreams.

The curly hair lad was here. Right now.

Breathing the same air as I was.

Wow ok, Louis you sound like a psycho.

I decided to run and hide again in the showers, but it was too late, him and his friend turn in the corner and saw me frozed right there.

I couldn't move, my feet seemed to be glued to the floor.

The curly hair lad, choked and opened his eyes quite big.

When I turned to see the other guy, he was grinning wildly. I recognized him as Zayn Malik, my best friend from high school.

I heard him yell "Louis!" And I let out a murmured "Fuck".

I suddenly fluttered my eyes close, and fell backwards.

I had fainted.

I freaking fainted in front of the very sexy curly hair lad and my best friend from high school I haven't seen in theee years.

Wow, fuck my life.

Woow this is so short i'm so sorry!! but i mean imagine what is going to happen in the next chapter!


And this is soo not edited lol

comment & vote pls



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