I Wake Up Besides a Hot Ass Man

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I am Harry Styles, commonly known as manwhore, sarcastic, self-centered, selfish and so much more. Practically, I could be everything but gay.

Stomping my feet on the streets of Manhattan, New York City, I felt humiliated.

After I slammed the door of the man that happens to wake up next to me on his hotel room this morning, I was really confused, and slightly disoriented. I didn't even remember how I got there!

Although the man seems to be in his mid-twenties, I can't lie, he is looking good. But I am straight, so he looks ugly as hell.

When I saw him naked, I saw his great looking v-line and totally a 6-pack, not to mention his big dick. No homo, by the way.

But I shouldn't be thinking like that because I'm straight, and he was a total jerk.

I guess I was looking really weird as I had a discussion with myself in the middle of the street, as when people passed by they'll look funny at me.

Or was it that I didn't have pants on because I couldn't found them on his mansion-like hotel room and I was just wearing tight black Calvin Klein underwear?

Yeah, definetely the first one.

We both decided that nothing of this actually happened, and that none of us would mention anything to anyone. I strongly agreed and without any word I ran off the hotel. Although he looked rather nervous, and kept telling me to go out from any other door but the main door. I couldn't care less and made my way out from the front door. At first I didn't see anything unusual and thought this man was scarily crazy, but while I was walking I sure felt some flashes go off and I'm pretty sure they were directed to me but I didn't give them much of attention at how hurried I was.

After a long trip from the hotel to my apartment I shared with my roomate, Zayn Malik, I was really exhausted, I couldn't get any taxi because from the taxi drivers' perspective I seemed unable to pay or they simply wouldn't accept me without my pants on, or just thought I was an indigent.

While I was looking for my apartment keys, my fingers felt just the soft black fabric of my underwear, suddenly reminding I didn't bring my pants with me. "Shit," I murmured, as I grabed my hair between my fingers. This day was just going terribly. I knocked the door, almost frantically, praying for Zayn to be inside the house.

After several times knocking the door, Zayn, with his black hair all over the place, huge bags under his eyes and his eyes intensily red, opened the door. I huffed as I push past him to get into the apartment to grab a desesperately wanted bottle of water and some aspirin for my head killing headache.

"Well, goodmorning to you too, man," He said, closing the door and facing me, taking a sip from his coffee.

"Fuck you," I said, taking off my shoes and throwing them in some place of the apartment.

"Damn it man, the hangover got you so much you forgot your pants?" He said, mocking me and letting a laugh.

I glare at him, "It's your fault," I said, making my way to the kitchen to grab some water and aspirin.

"My fault? How is that?" He said, following me to the kitchen, desesperately laughing.

"Stop laughing, mate! It's not funny!" I blurt out. "Its all your fucking fault, you let me get drunk to death last night and things happened I don't want to remember at all!" I said, as I slammed the cabinet and poured some water in the glass.

"Damn, what happened? And where did you even sleep? With a man?" He said sarcastically, I gulped, remembering the man's and I deal about telling no one.

"No, dumbass," I said as I grabbed aspirin from the cabinet.

"Well you better put some pants on, your bulge its making me uncomfortable, lad. And I'll go back to sleep, since you wake me up," He said as he made his way out the kitchen.

I sighed, suddenly reminding I had to work at the pub today. I drank the water that was left in the glass, and made my way to my room to take a good hot water bath.

Louis POV

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

I thought as I slammed my head slightly on the pillow of my hotel room.

How was I so fucking stupid to get that drunk last night and have sex with a man?! With a man!

"Ughh!" I groaned, as I stopped with my head slamming. I was really dissapointed of myself.

Yesterday, in the morning, the coach gave me the news that i'll be the next captain of the team. I was really excited about that, that I had the brilliant idea to get drunk as there wasn't tomorrow, and look what I'm getting, sex with a man and a massive hickey on my neck.

Although, I can't deny he looked good, it doesn't mean I'm gay, because I'm not.

I decided to call on Niall, my best mate, and ask him if he was okay, as I didn't remember see him leave the pub. I grabbed my phone, that was on top of the desk besides the bed and dialed Niall's number. After several seconds waiting for him to answer, a soft and gritty "Hello?' came from the other side of line.

"Niall, mate. How's the hangover?" I said mockingly. Don't get me wrong I had a killing hangover too, but I've always knew how to control it better than him.

"Ha, Ha, How funny. And It's going really fine," He said while he let a groan and a cough. I laughed. "Okay, maybe not that fine, but I'm dealing with it. Anyways, where are you, man? I didn't see you leave the pub last night?" He asked. I bite my lip, not wanting to tell him what really happened.

"Oh, I came early, like at two or three, I wasn't feeling good." I said, hoping that he'd believe me as my memory was so bad I didn't even remember when I started drinking.

"Oh, okay. Oh, and by the way, the coach called, we have a meeting at 4:00 at this restaurant, I'll pass you the adress later by text. Dude, this hangover it's killing me, call you later." He said and hung up. I sighed, I had nothing to do, and I didn't want to go sleep in those dirty sheets from last night. I shivered, I grabbed my phone and my car keys and exited the room, decided to go and explore a bit, while the maids cleaned the mess the boy and I had made.

Holla, I'm Daniella nice to meet y'all.

Maybe some of you know me bc of ig / thelarrycrew, aye aye. Hold yo hand up in the air if you came from ig, wut wut.

Soo, this story came into my mind several months ago, but just like a week or so, I started writting it. So it's really fun to write and I hope it's also fun to read, lmao.

Ok, tell me if you liked and if you didn't liked it. And btw, this is not edited, so don't go all grumpy at me, lol.

Hope you like it really. (:

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