Louis Is So Not Hot

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Harry's POV

"Um, Superman," Louis said rather nervous.

"Um okay, do you want something to eat, or drink? More tea?" I said as I started walking towards the kitchen, somehow my feet got stuck together and I fell, head first.

"Wow man, are you okay?" Louis hurried towards me and grabbed my shoulders, I blushed.

Wow, Harry. Are you seriously blushing?

Yes, for embarrasement! I told myself.

I quickly glanced up to Louis' baby blue eyes and nodded continously.

He was not handsome, and he is jerk. You are strong, Harry. You can do it. I try to convince myself.

But at the same time, everytime I look at his eyes, I remember that night, and instead of making me scowl, it makes my dick go hard.

I gulped, this can't be happening.

I was having a boner, by just simply looking at his eyes.

Wow, men are so weak, he just gave me a look, and bam, my dick is hitting the the lord of the sky.

Okay, maybe not literally.

I tried to stand up, and he just gave me a weird look. Maybe I stared for too long?

"Do I have something on my face?" He asked, "You've been staring for like a minute," He said, but suddenly grinned. "Am I too handsome?" He mocked.

I opened my mouth in disbelief. How cocky!

Although it was kind of true, I was Harry Styles, I won't let nobody mock me.

"No, actually, you have a zit, a big one" I grinned, and standed up, quickly making my way to kitchen.

"Are you serious?" He asked desesperately.

"Yeah," I said, and turned, "Wow, I can see it from over here, it's shining as bright as a motherfucking diamond" I fake gasped.

He instantly covered it up, "Where's the bathroom?" He asked with a fake smile.

"Two doors to the left," I smirked, and turned to the fridge, opening it and grabbing a bottle of water. He actually didn't even have a zit, his face was practically flawless.

When I suddenly hear a very loud yelp and trumbling, I chuckled, and made my way to my room, when Louis' grabbed my arm and yanked me out.

"What even is that room?" He asked surprised and angry at the same time, kind of disgusted, also.

"Um, I can't say," I shrugged.

"But I just saw it! It was disgusting!" He screamed.

"Did I said left? Sorry, it was right" With a smirk I tried to close my door but Louis' foot was just in the middle.

"You know what, I'll just go. You're annoying as fuck." He said, while stomping towards the door, and opening and closing it behind him.

I could hear a loudy storm going on, and it was very cold outside. But I just shrugged, maybe he will walk to his hotel room like I did without my pants on three weeks ago.

I closed the door behind me, and made my way to take a hot shower.

After maybe 20 minutes in heaven, aka hot water showers in chilly days.

I was starting to worry about the older lad who left the the apartment really angry.

If he was kidnapped? Or if he died of hipothermia? Or maybe he fainted again!

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