The Real Morning

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So how was the waiting? I know some people who really want to kill me for not updating sooner! PineappleAttack! Im talking to you! yes that was her shout out! just cause her very first comment on the very first chapter made me LOL haha yah love yah girl!!! so whoo new chapter! please move your lovely eyes to my new music video!! and dreams are over heres the real morning! and read authors not at the end PLEASE! and comments needed is 7 so yah read one luvs!

XOXO Nikki



I sat up lightning fast. I looked around and saw I was in my room "just a dream" I said happily. I got out of bed and walked down the hall to Megan's bedroom, I opened the door and saw her smiling in her sleep holding Sprinkles tight. I smiled, she was fine. I went back to my room and took a shower. After my shower I put on some tan shorts and a white shirt that had ruffles going down the front and a pair of gladiator sandals. I put on some light makeup of just mascara and my vanilla lip gloss. I went down stairs and started cooking breakfast. About half-way down cooking the pancakes Emma came down her hair wet from just taking a shower. "Smells good" she said getting out the glasses and taking some orange juice out of the fridge. She poured some in every glass and I put a stack of pancakes on the table then went to go wake up Megan. I knocked on her door, no answer, I opened her door and saw her sleeping still. I walked over and sat on her bed and slightly shook her and whispered "Megan time to wake up" she didn't move so I smiled and stood on her bed and jumped "TIME TO WAKE UP!" I yelled and she screamed at me "OKAY!" I stopped jumping and we went down stairs. We ate our food then Megan asked "who are the boys who came over yesterday?" Emma and i just stared at her "you really don't know?" I asked and she nodded "how can I call you my sister when you don't know who they are?!" I gasped "there posters are all around our rooms, we went to their concert friday!" Emma said waiting for her to catch on "I still don't know who they are" she said and we yelled at her "ONE DIRECTION!" and she looked at us wide eyed "you mean the people you make me listen to on the way to school?" she asked and we nodded "oh, I don't like them" Emma and I gasped "yet you love BTR?" Emma asked and she nodded "go to your room and don't come out till you like them" I ordered and Megan looked at me like 'really?' and I nodded "URGH" she said loudly and stomped to her room. "Strange little girl" Emma said and I nodded "wanna go see how Lizzy is today?" I asked and she nodded "first I need to feed Puddles" she said and we headed over to her house and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked and rang the door bell and after five minutes an annoyed Harry answered "what do you want at this hour?" he asked sleepily and we giggled "its only 10:30" Emma said and he thought for a sec "come feed the dam dog" he said leaving the door open for us and heading to where he would be sleeping. Emma went to the kitchen I went to her room to get Puddles. I saw Zayn. I saw Zayn Zayn Zayn and more Zayn, the posters were all over her walls "fan much?" I muttered to myself going to let Puddles out of her dog crate cause other whys she rips the blankets and pillows. I felt weird being watched by all the Zayns, like they were watching my every move and I turned around feeling someone's eyes on me to see another poster "this shit is getting scary" I said "LETS GO PUDDLES BEFORE I GET KILLED BYE A POSSED POSTER!" I yelled running down the stairs with the dog right behind me. I ran into the kitchen and saw Emma put down the food "your room is fuck'in scary" I said and she got confused "what do you mean?" "all those posters they're.... watching me... waiting for the chance to keel me" I said narrow eyed saying kill like keel. Emma laughed "they won't come alive Nikki your imagination's getting away from you" she said "well lets go right now and tell me if you feel your being watched!" I hissed pulling her up the stairs. She laughed as I shoved us into the room and we stayed in silence for a while when I got shivers and turned around expecting to see someone to find another poster, this one of Harry... wait... that wasn't there before. I narrowed my eyes and went towards it. I stared for a long time and reached out to poke it when a hand came from behind me and spun me around and I screamed "AHH!!" I heard laughing and saw the real Harry standing there in some jeans and a T-shirt laughing his head off "DONT DO THAT!" I yelled at him and he put up his arms in surrender "sorry couldn't resist, so Emma's a Zayn fan?" he said and I glared at him and nodded "just a tiny bit, just my walls are full of all the concert posters I've gotten and Lizzy doesn't like him as much after reading a fan fiction book online where I comment yelling at the author for trying to ruin him, so Emma gets the left overs" I said really fast "I only heard, concert posters, ruin him, Emma gets the left overs" he said I rolled my eyes and dragged him out of the room. "Lets go get breakfast" I said locking the door and he headed for the stairs but I stayed where I was, he turned around "what are you waiting for?" he asked and I held out my arms "I'm to tired to walk" I whined and he gave me an 'are you serious?' look "you owe me for scaring me like that" I said and he sighed and bent over for me to get on his back. I smiled and jumped on "now walk" I ordered and he looked at me over his shoulder and said "don't push your luck" and I smiled and put my arms around his neck.


I was pulled into my room. Okay so a little scary, his eyes were following me, I got freaked out and left down stairs to get Puddles ready for her walk. I heard Nikki scream, probable thinking a poster was real, I turned around to leave when I saw Nikki on Harry's back coming down the stairs smiling "why hello there" I said leaning against the wall and Puddles sat panting and staring at us with cute wide eyes "hello to you to" Nikki said not getting off Harry. "May I know what the scream is for, or do I not wanna know?" I asked with a smirk they looked at each other and Nikki slid off his back "he-" Nikki started but Harry interrupted "you don't wanna know" he said and Nikki looked like she was about to say something but Harry gave her a wink and she smiled shyly and blushed looking down... she can't fool me, its a fake blush she's acting. I narrowed my eyes at them "I'm going for a walk..." I said heading out the door. "What was going on?" I asked Puddles once I closed the door she just looked at me from behind her shoulder showing me her heart butt with eyes saying "I don't know can we walk now?" I smiled at her "lets get this walk started!"I said excitedly to her and she barked and we started running down the block. I ran three blocks straight then turned right ran another four turned right again and ran three turned right ran four turned right ran to the left side of the street back to my house. The run took about ten minutes and Puddles was panting when we got home and was really tired looking, I really needed to get her more into shape. I opened the door and came in to see a site I don't know was good or bad, Lizzy sitting on Liam's lap, while they yelled at Nikki and Harry. "I'm home! now what's going on?" I asked taking Puddles' leash off. "I came down stairs and Lizzy came over and and we started watching t.v. THEN these two sat on eather side of us making Lizzy sit on me and making lover comments, now your here" Liam said and I smiled "well first question, Lizzy why are you still on his lap?" they looked at each other and she ran to the other couch, Harry smirked and I turned to him and Nikki "now what's your side of the story?" and "well, I got scared of your room, and turns out you ABANDONED ME!" Nikki said crossing her arms and glaring at me and I gave a guilty smile "yah sorry, but I got bored and Puddles needed a walk" I said and she just narrowed her eyes "then-" she was cut off by Harry again "then we told you happened before you left" he said with a side smile that made me roll my eyes, Liam and Lizzy looked at us confused and I saw Lizzy give a questioning look to Nikki, Nikki just gave a shy smile and let Harry talk... hmmm... "so we were in the kitchen these came along and they looked cute together so we decided to get on their nerves!" Harry said smiling and the other two glared at them. I smiled "well thats your problem thanks for sharing!" I said happily running up to my room and closing the door. I let out a big breath as I slid down the door and looked up to see a Zayn grinning like crazy. A real Zayn.


Nikki and Harry are SO annoying! They have to just try and push my buttons like that didn't they?! But what were they implying about what they told Emma? I narrowed my eyes in thought. Hm... Nikki's blushing, Harry cutting her off.... THEY TOLD HER THEY DID SOMETHING DIRTY! my eyes widened in shock and a smile made its way to my lips and I got up and hugged Nikki "god you can be annoying but the way Emma looked about that thing you two were doing this morning, I think your acting skills have gotten better" I said to Nikki and she smiled "why thank you, I do try!" she said and Harry grunted "it was all MY idea, and she would have blown our cover if I let her keep talking"  and Nikki and I smiled "Harry you don't get it do you?" Nikki asked and we turned to him with identical smiles and he shivered "the point is for you to cover her words, that way it seems more secretive, duh" I said and the boys looked at us "you two told Emma you had sex or something?" Liam asked and we all smiled "it's the thing that weirds her out the most when people talk about it!" Nikki said "well, I gotta go see if Megan is aloud to leave her room yet!" Nikki said running out the door and across the street. The fuck? I turned my head to the boys "well, I'm gonna go home and make me self a breakfast, have fun alone!" I said cheery heading to the door and going home to pour a bowel of cereal... hehe I'm a cereal killer beware creatures of Earth.... I smiled to myself and did my homework while eating.



So I'm sorry to say but I am running out of creative juices and might have to end soon :( yah I have idea but don't know how to lead up to them :( so yah I'll keep trying but I don't know if you can tell but the chapters are kinda losing their life. I might not upload for a while sorry, and I know this chapter is short I still never know how long they'll be till I publish so yah I'm sorry but love you all! my biggest question for you guys should I continue this story? and Zippyzazazebra1222 and Unfailing_Love your comments will count for if I should continue so yah and even if someone wants me to continue a year later if I'm still on here (which I most likey will be!) I will try to update! so I just wanted to know if you guys wanted me to still do this.

XOXO Nikki

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