Tuesdays are funny things

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Ello luvs,

SO here it is new chappie! stay pweeteh! AND what did you think of Niall's mind war????? PLUS!!!! THIS IS A MUST READ RIGHT HERE: Please check out 1DirectionAwards, they are all about awards for your stories about One Direction! The Categories are: Niall, Harry, Zayn, Liam, Louis, undicovered gem, one direction, one shots, and boyxboy. PLEASE go to their profile and check them out, try to win an award and just love ME, and One Direction, and 1DirectionAwards, AND of course love YOU!


I woke up to with my face in my science book. URGH. I'm just so tied, maybe I could just sleep for five more min- "NIKKI!!!! WAKEY WAKEY TIME TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL!!!!!" my thought of heavenly sleep were interrupted with someone's yelling. I groaned and rolled over and off the couch with a thud. "ow" I muttered and slowly got myself up putting my hand on my sore butt. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth to get the awful taste of morning out of my mouth, you know that weird taste where you can basicly taste your morning breath? I hate it. I walked into the kitchen half asleep ready to make breakfast for Megan when someone stopped me. My eyes were basicly closed so I just saw a fuzzy figure in front of me. I opened my eyes a little more to see Niall with his cute smile staring at me "breakfast is already made sleepy head" he said in his adorable irish accent. I have friends who are irish, how come they can't have an accent? I pouted in my mind frowning "what's wrong?" he asked and I shrugged "I'm disappointed my irish friends from school were born here so they don't have accents" I said simply and he just smiled again and dragged my half asleep body to everyone else who was outside. I heard a muffled laugh and stuck my tongue out in the direction of the voice. I opened my eyes more to see everyone and I soon found the laugh was from Lizzy "tired aren't we?" she asked with a smile and I stuck my tongue out again "I'm sorry sleeping on the couch makes me look like a zombie" I answered. It's sadly true how zombie like I looked in the morning. Good thing when I wake up my hair is almost perfect with just a few knots that you don't notice unless your brushing my hair. "I know the perfect wake up song for you!" Emma said with a smile and I smiled as soon as I heard the song start from my Iphone. The familiar Bum bum bum bum ba bum started for What Makes You Beautiful. Megan rolled her eyes "this song is played WAY to much on the radio" she said but I soon saw her shock as the boy from the song said "look at my face, so sweet and pure, they let me sing even though I have a stutter" Key Of Awesome will always make me smile" I answered and thats when Megan went back to the Iphone and pressed the 'next button' and One Thing started... except it was Key Of Awesome version. "If I like this one song and the rest of they're album, screw you guys I have a concert to go to" I heard as I ate my bacon..... I love bacon. "I like this one version much better" Megan said to the boys, and Emma Lizzy and I glared at her "you ready for school?" I asked and she was about to answer when I cut her off with a smile "go get your backpack, we're leaving soon" she nodded and skipped inside when I remembered something and shouted after her "AND NO SPRINKLES THIS TIME!" I heard her give a wail of complaining but ignored her. "So what do you guys do when we're gone?" I ask as I took a sip of my water. "Video games really" Zayn answered "who made breakfast?" I asked and Harry raised his hand with my lovely Emma raising hers also "next time get chinese food" I said going inside to get dressed. No I wasn't complaining about the food, I just really like chinese food. I changed into a black skirt that had white and gold lines along the bottom and a yellow off the shoulder T-shirt then put on my converse and applied some Wonderstuck and my 29 rubber bracelets, you know like the breast cancer "I ♡ Boobies" bracelets. I get them from all over, I find them on the ground, my grandma buys them for me in other countries, my friends get them for me, I buy them, or I get them for doing stuff like jumping in a river. Once down stairs I found Megan ready and Emma and Lizzy were waiting "finish your science homework?" Emma asked "nope" I answered dragging out the 'O' science really isn't my best class, it's in my lowest grade and P.E. is a better grade which is surprising saying I barley do anything in P.E. I am a C to B student in science, B in P.E. and A's in the others with a B thrown in there here and there. I said by to each boy giving them a hug with Emma and Lizzy doing the same and Megan ignoring them, except Harry. I think she's starting to like him... to bad, he's eighteen and she's seven. Sucker. I'm being mean to Megan a tiny bit saying that but, she does always go on and on about how they are terrible and Big Time Rush is WAY better. I myself sooooo disagree. I hoped into the drivers seat and waved bye to the boys then we were off to school.

#### Lizzy ####

We parked in Nikki's three spaces her basicly killing us in the process like everyday. I really don't know how she got her license. We got out of the car and got our rubberband guns out. The new target was... Some guys walking by, wait.... they're the jocks from yesterday... what could they want? ARE THEY GOING TO KILL US?! I know over reacting but I do have a tend to get afraid of the popular peoples. Which is very normal if I do say so myself. Nikki smiled and ran up and shot one in the chest then said in her normal voice "ello governor" to the head guy. I shot Emma and ran so she couldn't get me but felt the rubberband hit my back as I stopped next to Nikki Emma on her other side. "So, about friday, games canceled, you'll find out in morning announcements, so we need to think of another way to hang" main guy says. What? He wanted to hang with the weirdoes? like Nikki Emma and Lizzy weirdoes. Wait he's talking to Nikki, HOW MANY GUYS DOES SHE HAVE AFTER HER??? First super amazingly hot Harry Styles and now football boy? I am SO jealous, and I have a right to be. "We like chinese food" Nikki said with a smile, WE? Aw my beautiful best friend wants Emma and I there too! and really it was mostly Nikki who liked chinese food but it's alright with me. "So friday, us and you three" main guy says and Nikki nods with a smile "see ya friday governor" she said attempting a british accent. The football guy's smile faltered for a sec when she said that but he kept it plastered on his face. Oh don't worry dude your not alone, if I were a boy, Nikki's accents would be a turn off. "Well girls, we have a friendly date on friday" Nikki said and started walking towards the school when Emma whispered to me "I wonder why Nikki's doing this, she usually wont go out for a date randomly like this" and I shrugged "maybe they're secret friends? you never know with her"


Why was Nikki doing this? Something seemed fishy about the jocks even talking to us, most people tried to stay away so they wouldn't get a random rubberband in their face. I might just be over thinking this, but I'm not sure.


SUPER SHORT AGAIN I'M SORRY!!!!! I am running out of my magic writing juices again! I mean I have ideas but no idea how to lead up to them : \ sad right? AND I really do have the rubber bracelets, and I DIDI jump into a river for one, I'm madly obsessed with collecting those things O.O SO the story of that is a river rafting company lets you go swiming in the calm parts of the river rapids, SO if you fall in or jump in when they let you, you get a free bracelet how great is that? Comment Vote and Love L-O-V-E

XOXO Nikki

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